View Full Version : anxiety and dieting !

20-04-06, 13:18
hi everyone,
can i av some advice please, my anxiety has got a lot better over the last few months, i started a diet last week and i did some stepping exersises ,well the first time i did the exersises,i was shattered because i dont do a lot of exersise anyway, when i went to bed that night i woke up at 5 oo in the morning and it seemed like those horrable feelings in my tummy had come back it took me ages to get back to sleep and everytime i tried, i had those horrable feelings in my tummy (i cant explain the feelings) i used to get them alot but havent had them for ages, do you think it was the anxiety come back or was it because i did those exersises thanks for reading
luv sue xx

20-04-06, 13:50
im not too sure about the exercise being a factor. were you anxious about doing them?

i do know however that too strenuous dieting can definitely cause a worsening of your symptoms. obviously if you are not feeding your body right it will not function properly. that too goes for youe mind, you must eat well and eat healthy. it is the only sure way to loose weight the proper way anyway

remember though that exercise can only do good so keep it up


21-04-06, 00:54
Hi Sue

Maybe you tried to start doing too much exercise too soon and it could be a better idea to start off more slowly and build up gradually.

Also avoid exercising too late in the evening because this can cause sleep problems.

I agree with Jackie about making sure you maintain a healthy and well balanced diet.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

21-04-06, 08:28
Sue & guys

Let me tell you something.. dieting is fine in moderation..as long as you are eating the right foods..i.e veg & fruit. jacket spuds, salad...chicken with out the skin etc etc,, then that is fine ..infact its the best thing..exercise too is very good for you and if your brave enough why not, just everything in moderation is the best way.
Exercise releases extra endorfines( spell check) that make us happy, so you are doing the right thing totally..

good for you keep it up

ashley x

21-04-06, 10:52
thanks for your replys guys, i am being sensible with my diet, eating correctly etc.... i only exersise during the daytime anyway, but i probably did to much to soon,.
luv sue :)