View Full Version : Fissure again - sorry

27-05-11, 19:14
Fissure seemed to be healing but has been very sore today, ive brought some baby wipes as i think toilet paper is making it worse.
So scared it wont heal, also due to have polyp on uterus removed on 6th june, sorry tmi (but my bottoms is so sore), hope it doesnt make it worse, i know its in a different place !!
Please advise x

27-05-11, 19:24
You can get some GTN cream from the doc for it which may help it heal faster.

27-05-11, 19:34
Thanks nicola, how long did yours take to heal and did you use the gtn cream ?

27-05-11, 20:53
Fissures do vary in healing time..Ive had 3 in 20 years..Had to change my diet quite a lot to help in healing. e.g. much more fibre and water.

27-05-11, 21:39
I couldn't tske the GTN cream so my consultant prescribed something else. The fissure will heal in six weeks or it isn't going to. Your doctor will want to have a look first. Suppositories, and barrier cream will also help you cope with the pain. I'm still having 'issues' and my consultant said that my anal skin is very thin and prone to tearing. He has sent me to a consultant dermotologist. Trying not to get constipated will also help (using fybogel) EJ.

28-05-11, 08:12
Now feel that i constantly want to go a loo - i do have ibs , so maybe thats flared up as well.
cant help thinnking its something more serious !!!

28-05-11, 12:39
Have you had a camera up your backside at all to check things out?

30-05-11, 11:45
I had a colonoscopy about a 18 months ago , it was normal , but these are new symptons. Im in so much pain.
Also due to have a polyp removed from my uterus next monday, i know its a different place, but my bottom is so sore, aorry tmi!!

01-06-11, 19:38
Went back to dr this morning about fissure, she said that it has got bigger.
She has given me some GTN cream, i used it this morning and it did give me a headache but only lasted about half an hour.
Im just really worried that it wont heal and i will have to have an operation.
Please advise x

01-06-11, 20:04
Well see how it goes first before you worry. Mine healed in the end but be careful what you eat. Stick to low fibre as much as possible and use wet wipes or that moist toliet tissue.

01-06-11, 20:10
Thanks, how long did yours take to heal .

01-06-11, 20:16
Well I am a bit different cos I was having a massive Crohn's flareup at the time so you can't really compare with me as obviously I was having other issues going on at the time as well. It was certainly several weeks though.

EJ may reply again as she had one and she can tell you how long hers took to heal.

01-06-11, 20:40
Thank you

04-06-11, 09:52
Have been using gtn cream for 3 days and already it feels slightly better.
Can anyone let me know if they have used it and how long it will take to heal. I have been in so much pain.Now also taking lactulose, which i dont like and am worried about taking it long term.

05-06-11, 09:22
Sorry to post again , but has anyone used gtn cream for a fissure, im scared it wont heal x