View Full Version : I've failed i am back on Citalopram!

Sarah Louise
27-05-11, 21:08

I gave in i went back on them today 10mg to start the withdrawal effects took a horrid grip and i had thoughts of not wanting to be hear (such a coward and so weak).

To top it my post natal depression thoughts returned and i am currently going through a grievence at work because my manager thought because i was weak she could treat me like dirt. I may be depressed but i will not let her take advantage of that!!

I feel in such a mess the thought of all the side effects again are making me feel sick in its self.

Failed is all i can say, hope others dont lead from my example and i wish you all the strength and encouragement to succeed on beating anxiety without having to go back on Citalopram!!!

My mum said if its what i need to make me feel better then thats what i need and i have to think of my little girl i pray she does not have anything like this i just pray.

Wishing you all well.

28-05-11, 08:48
Hi Sarah

I agree with your mum. I don't think you've failed at all by going back on citalopram. It sounds like you're having a tough time at the moment. Just like every other illness, depression needs treatment and there's no shame in getting help. Try not to beat yourself up about it and see it as failure.

Best wishes, hope things start looking up for you.

Laura x

28-05-11, 09:29

You are not a failure...Thousands of people need help at various times in their lives because they experience and suffer from depression,anxiety, panic etc etc..Sometimes it takes more courage to admit you have a problem and require help than to hide it and deny you have a problem...Noone wants to feel unwell and if you had physical pain you would take painkillers, that does not make you a failure or weak...So you have anxiety and hopefully the citalopram will help you get better again.Dont think of it as being a failure, think of it as recognizing that you need some help at the moment, you will get better and you have the courage to get better..

01-06-11, 10:28
You have not failed any more than someone with back pain has failed because they have hurt their back and need painkillers for a while.