View Full Version : Slow heartbeat and headrushes

20-04-06, 13:23
I'm really worried, these last couple of days I have been experiencing a slow heartbeat and what feels like headrushes, the kind you experience when you get up too quickly. Does anyone else experience slow heartbeats with a light headed sensation?

20-04-06, 13:52
i know for a fact that ashley suffers from this, and i know it is something that claire weekes rights about in her book self help for your nerves.

this is soooo common during anxiety


20-04-06, 14:06
hi devon guy

I get this too its horrible but if you try and ignore it and dont add to the fear it will soon pass - are you eating properly cos sometimes it happens if you are hungry and a build up of tension in the neck can cause it as well - try to do a relaxation and it may help
It is annoying and I am always waiting on it happening again
Hope this has helped


........life is for living not just for surviving

20-04-06, 15:48
yepme too,devon,mine got so bad my doc gave me meds 4 vertigo?????i didn't take them as i knew deep down it is all part of the anxiety disorder,i still get falling sideways dizzy sometimes and just accept it as part of who i am,it takes the fear out of it!love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

20-04-06, 18:32
Hiya Devon guy

Yep its true like jacks said, i do suffer with this and know it well..my heart can be one or the other and never in between..its either fast like a nutter or slow like a snail almosts feels like it is going to stop.. and i get that head thing that you talk of too.. when i get up.. and not always because i got up quickley.. just get this kinder head rush thing and i get pounding in my head .. i am so there with you love and trust me i know what it is like and i dont like it.. there are some anxiety sufferers that get this too. i hate it.. thats why i always get scared of taking diazipan in case it slows me heart up again,man i cant win sweetheart my heart is all over the show, is never at an even keel.

Dont be too worried it cant harm , it dosnt feel nice i agree ..but it is part of anxiety.. when it happens i get up and do something to take my mind of it, bearing in mind when you do get the head rush thing with it,, get up slowly.. babe i know your feelings..

Hope you get there love

ashley x

20-04-06, 18:44
Its so reassuring to know I'm not the only one, I was getting really worried, have read Claire Weekes' book and found it really useful.

20-04-06, 18:49
Mate, my heart is awful. On the days when I get up non-anxious it's VERY slow - 50 odd beats per minute and I thought it was just me until I read claire Weekes book (and some of Ashley's posts!! No offence Ash!!)
My heart flutters, skips, pops, misses, thuds, races, quivers, jumps and dances sometimes for hours on end. Me and Ashley are with you totally

Shiv x

20-04-06, 22:26
Shiv & DG

Its true yeah.. i can have eptopic beats all day from morning to night, thuds, flips, spins, flutters, pains in that are.. fast or mega slow..

its true we are alike ..but remember we arent the only ones..im telling u xx

love ashley x

21-04-06, 19:19
Hi Devon-Guy
Snap! Exactly the same. With the slow beats my blood pressure drops causing me to almost faint and feel most strange. The head rushes can happen when I'm doing nothing. I hope realising you're not alone helps - it has certainly helped me.

Take care

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

21-04-06, 20:36
What has your dr said about it Shaz? Is there anything that can be done?

22-04-06, 15:57
Shaz man your symptoms are dead on mine.. mad huh.. feel so good when i hear people coming forward about this topic, because even though its an odd one.. there are plenty of people that get it..i mean ya usually associate anxiety being a fast beat, but thats not the case..
i dont know which is the worse the fast heartbeat and all that comes with it or the slow heart beat with head rushes and the faint feeling... nasty hay

ashley x

14-08-18, 22:20
Hi, everyone! I have these awful sensations too. I’ll get the rush feeling and then during the rush, I have a couple of those slow heart beats. It’s terrifying :/ is this what you guys experience too?? I’m freaking out :( please reply. There are barely any threads on this.