View Full Version : Can anxiety cause dizzy spells everyday?

28-05-11, 09:07
Hi guys!
For the last week or so I've been having these symptoms; feeling very weak and shaky in general and dizzy spells that last a couple of hours a day (and usually at the same time each day). I've also have an ear infection- could the two be linked? Can anxiety cause a prolonged bout of dizziness or is this more likely to be from the ear infection? I'm desperate for answers now as I'm freaking out and googling my symptoms every day now and thinking it might be something serious.

28-05-11, 09:23
I agree with Elad, it can be caused by both. I suffered from 'dizzy' spells (more a feeling of being a bit tipsy/off kilter than dizzy) for months last year. Thought i had several serious diseases (i suffer from health anxiety), then convinced myself it was vertigo from a possible inner ear problem. After visit to ENT doc, ears were fine....it was 'just' anxiety! (apparently it is a thing called 'derealisation' that occurs as a result of anxiety. Bodies way of detaching itself from the stress apparently). It only went away when i settled myself about it. DO NOT GOOGLE SYMPTOMS!!! This is a big no no for anyone with anxiety. Hope you feel better soon!

28-05-11, 11:52
Hi Hubert, I have anxiety, Ive just had a really bad bout for about a year, I am now improving, but for a while I suffered dizzy spells, usually in the morning, but now they have stopped. I hope it soon gets better for you.