View Full Version : concussion or a bleed on the brain

28-05-11, 11:16
Right guys last night i was just on my phone as you do and i dropped it from quite a height onto my head, it hurt instantly and the pain lasted for a while and i then tried to go to sleep and managed. I woke up this morn and nauseous with a pain above my eye. Im going up to the city today so im worrying myself into the ground. Should i go to a&e tonight or will i be ok? Thanks in advance.

28-05-11, 13:33

I would think that if you hadn't had any noticeable symptoms since you had the injury you should be fine. 4-6 hours post injury is the guideline to watch for things like nausea, vomiting and feeling really drowsy. Just the fact you woke up ok is a pretty good indication that all is well! If you went to A&E around 24 hours post injury, to be honest they will probably just do a set of obs on you and send you home as it is a while since the injury.

After a hit on the head like that (ouch) you will have some pain, even not necessarily in the exact place you dropped the phone (referred pain like over your eye). Obviously, if things do get worse with all the things I mentioned, DO go and get seen, but I think that this long afterwards you should be fine.xxxxx:)

28-05-11, 21:44
Thanks for your reply. Ive still got pain and been tired all day. Do you think I should head to a&e? Im worried il die in my sleep :(

28-05-11, 22:04
Hey...Its ok, if that was 24hours ago you'll be fine.

28-05-11, 22:09
You had a phone drop on your head hun, so you will feel pain for some time. As Taffy said, 24 hours post injury something would have shown up by now if you had any intracranial bleeding. Anxiety will make you feel whacked out anyway. Just have a good rest tonight.xxx:hugs:

28-05-11, 22:12
Thanks for your replies once again.

Just wanted to make clear, I do have a headache and I do feel quite sicky, also tired, you say it would have shown up by now, well aren't they the symptoms?

28-05-11, 22:19
They are also the symptoms of being tired...I've had a headache all day! Please don't worry.

29-05-11, 01:38
Yes, they are the symptoms, but please try to understand that this long after the injury, if you had any kind of bleed inside the head going all day since last night, you would be VERY unwell by now, ie. drowsy/difficult to rouse, vomiting. You would not be well enough to sit and type hun! I have nursed many, many kids with bad head injuries who have been sent home after only 4 hours of observation, as they are fine. 4 to 6 hours is the guideline to observe for consistent symptoms and worsening of condition.

As Taffy said, all of your symptoms could be because you are tired. The headache could be a stress one as you are worried about your injury. You would not have stayed the same by now, you would have deteriorated.

Hope this helps.