View Full Version : Anxiety or what !!!

28-05-11, 11:39
Hi, i am pleased to have found this site.I have suffered from Gad all of my adult life although i've only recently realized that's what i have, i just thought i was odd.Over time i've come to avoid things that make me anxious which is just about everything lol and my world is now quite depressingly small :-( I work full time, don't know how i manage it really ,but i do because i wont give in,although its very hard.
I suppose my worst symptoms are face flushing and nervousness when i'm on my own with people, i don't know what to say or how to" just be ", this can be quite endearing in a youngster but is ridiculous i feel at my age. I have never been able to conquer my fears and have never ever discussed them with anyone which has led me to be quite distant from people and isolated. I'm hoping to meet/chat with like minded people on this site, to offer support and hopefully get some too. Thanks for reading x

28-05-11, 11:42
Hi musichelps

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
28-05-11, 18:30
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

29-05-11, 00:36
I think that you are doing really well to continue working. I had to give up my full time job some time ago. The anxiety didn't stop tho':weep:
Like you I think that I must suffer from GAD - but at times the panic fixes on a particular thing - mostly when I feel trapped into going somewhere/doing something. Then it is Hell lol!
Hope we can give each other some support.
Best Wishes,

29-05-11, 17:01
Same here. i get worse if i HAVE to do something/go somewhere,it plays on my mind and up until i have to leave the house im hoping something crops up so i can cancel. I keep going to work cos i feel if i have time off ill never go back lol and i dont like giving in. I have just done a course at work and we are being "rewarded" with a meal in October and im worrying about it already, Ive suffered in silence for sooo many years, im sure the doc would sign me off, unfortunatley i dont express myself very well and it always comes out wrong but im trying to pluck up courage to see if he'd give me some tablets as from what im reading of others they help a lot.Are you on any tablets and do they help you ?

29-05-11, 23:03
I think medication helps some people a lot, but I took antidepressants and sedatives for about 10 years and I think they didn't help me. I found it a struggle to get off them and don't want to take any drugs now.

Merewyn xx