View Full Version : hi

28-05-11, 12:32
hello i am new to this site, i discovered it simply by googling panic attacks seeking to see if there is anyone else like me. I am nearly 23 and had my first panic attack when i was 12 and have never really looked back building my life around panic and fear ever since.

I have tried seeking help various times, i've seen my fair share of 'professional' help over time, I have tried councelling, CBT, medication and even something called hypnoanalysis. None of it has ever worked all it has done is made things gradually worse, i have realised that the only way to beat this, or more realistically manage it, is on my own.

The only people i've never spoken to about this is like minded people, i would love to find someone who doesn't tell me to just get a grip or says 'you'll be fine' or even says my old favourite, 'well just don't panic' all extremely helpful and understanding pieces of information i've heard too often and just leave you questioning whether you are the only one like this.

I have never officially been diagnosed with anything which strangely adds to the sense of feeling alone and helpless, my last therapist told me he never met anyone like me and he would have to discuss with his colleagues the best way to treat me, great thing to hear from a man with 30 years experience.

I realise i have gone on to long and i apologise, i do intend on being an active member on this site and hope to gain from people in the same boat and also offer what i can. Fingers crossed that one day we will all find that light at the end of this long dark tunnel.

28-05-11, 12:36
Hi in7out11

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
28-05-11, 18:29
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

29-05-11, 00:39
As you can see you are not alone. Personally I think that there are a lot of us about!
