View Full Version : sweating

20-04-06, 14:20
please i am so sorry to be a pain, but generally i only sweat when i am due my period or sometimes i get it at night .

but fo rthe last few days ive been getting waves of sweats for no apparent reason. i did have a kidney infection but it is well gone so why am i so sweaty. i do have the chest pain as well but i have that all the time anyway and me doc says theis morning that this is nothing to worry about.

could it be a slow heart complaint coming as the two together seem suspect ie sweatibng and chest sore

any ideas


20-04-06, 15:06
hi, it might be the end of your kidney infection coming out of your system but i have to say that i have a terrible problems with sweating and hot flushes which are definately caused by my anxiety.

20-04-06, 15:10
really anxious? i have had this anxiety for 5 years nearly and you just think youve seen it all, but then a totally new thnig comes. my chest pain feels different and now this sweating. my doc checked me heart this morning and says its definitely not that. but i fear that because the pain wasnt so bad in the surgery that he could have missed something. the sweating during the day , or as you said hot flushes are so new to me and im frightened that the chest pain and it are connected

i fear all this worry has caused the heart complaint i fear the most and its slowly coming to the fore

what an optimist eh.lol


20-04-06, 15:26
i've had anxiety for 20years on and off, believe me there is no end to its complaints. The sweating/flushes has been pretty consistant with me.
Your doc will know what he is doing, we all come away saying 'what if'. When you are anxious its hard to be reassured. A lot of times it can take me a couple of days to accept what i've been told.
By the way i've read that anxious people actually have stonger hearts (must be all that exercise we give it panicking) so i'd forget that worry. Its good for you :)lol

20-04-06, 15:31
hi Jackie,just to reasure you,i am a sweatybetty too,and get awful chest pain.Although i know it is anxiety[you do to ![we cant help but fret when we get these blips,or a new symptom[my new one is aching ribs,anyone else get this????]so now i think i've got lung cancer,or asthma at least!!But i had a x-ray not that long ago and it was clear!So just relax,read your claire weekes books[she wil say the same i bet]we all her 4 you ,you are such a lovely helpful person.pm me any time you fancy to off load.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

20-04-06, 15:39
I get really hot at night - this morning my hair was wet through with it!

I don't know why but I have a fan on at night and that cools me (last night I didn't have it on so woke up very hot)


20-04-06, 16:09
girls these are really brilliant replies

i really feel loved i swear you are all heaven sent.

i hope i can trust all this soon but it is really great to know you care


Two heads
20-04-06, 18:52
Hi jackie!You still suffering,it can be so on going caut it.I have noticed this week i have been sweating more than ever and im convinced everyone can smell it!Im puting it down to hormones or my meds.
Im all so alittle like you mary-rose i had a chest ex ray a couple of months ago because of being breathless and sore ribs.I thought i had lung cancer and still do some days.If its not one thing its something else.In fact i think i should have my own personal Gp to live with me that might cure me!!!When i win the lottery i will..

21-04-06, 11:31
Jacks..im always a sweaty cow lol.. But truthfully i sweat so much, and sometimes get rages of it..its awful..but is a common symptom with anxiety my darling.. so try not to get yaself too worried..jack that is what you have anxiety and panic love...

Im always here for you sweetheart

ashley xxxx

21-04-06, 11:50
you are so like me such a wee worry wart,please dont worry about your sweating i dont think its something serious at all its just another horrid symptom,remember you have been through a lot more recently with your infection so your worries have been higher, more worries, more symptoms, more symptoms more worries i so hate this god dam cycle

I just want my life back

Two heads
21-04-06, 16:16
How are you today daysweaty bettie?xx

21-04-06, 21:53
hey you enough of the cheek!

still a bit freaked. the sweating last nigh twas horrendous, although there was 5 of us in the bed together, me and 4 of my kids

but today the nausea and the chest pain was the worse, so i put them together and got heart disease every time. i even came up with a disease on the internet which i wont go into cause itll only make us all worse and my best mate says it isnt it so i have to shut up about it.

once again it is the nausea and chest pain that are freaking me out at the moment and if any one has any ideas id be grateful

night sweats and chest pain and nausea couldnt be a good sign and im expecting the woset as usual.

me doctor examined me heart yesterday and says its perfect but the thing was i was not nauseas or sweaty betty or chesty when he did it so i fear he missed something

optimist me!


Two heads
21-04-06, 22:17
Hi jackie!Its always the way hun when doc examines us nothing seems to show,s..ds law!
You must try to believe doc that your heart was fine,they would have found something sweet if there was a prob.
That sounds abit like my household with 5 in the bed,except in my case sometimes 4!!!
I wake up some mornings with nausea but have put that down to my meds.Spoke to doc today and she said i must up them as im only on starting dose still 10mg.

22-04-06, 04:27
i get night sweats more than normal soaking the sheets its kinda scary!!but if you read on symptoms of axiety and night sweats are one of them!!As well sweaty palms and feets i drink one cup of coffee and my hands and feet will start to sweat right after one cup

Silly Blonde
24-04-06, 12:32
Hi Jackie!

I am living proof that anxiety does make us sweaty!! When I had my first acupuncture session, I was physically shaking as she was putting the needles in, and by the time she had finished you should have seen my palms! Soooooo sweaty!!! She said it was classic anxiety symptom! So please don't worry!!

I've been trying this "healthy" deodorant (after worrying myself silly about breast cancer last year), only they do not stop you sweating (they just try - and fail - to mask the smell), and so I feel sweaty most of the time! Grim! At least we're not talking out stool examinations today!!!!

Take care

SB xx

25-04-06, 13:20
just like tonight i soked the sheets i do it alot my hands are always sweaty just another axiety in my books

26-04-06, 10:07
you guys have been brilliant. sweating still continuing but you have made me a little less afraid

now im worrieing that a clot is coming up from me leg

oh the joys


Two heads
26-04-06, 10:37
Hi jackie!Has your infection cleared up yet sweet?You havet got a clot so please dont worry[.I know thats easyier said than done!]xxx

26-04-06, 13:06
i went threw that clot thing alot of times if you had a clot in your leg you wouldnt even be able to walk on that leg i had bad cramping in my leg had the ultrasound done of my legs and i too thought it was a clot but nope another one of axietys monsters