View Full Version : Mini Success - Scared to Leave the House

28-05-11, 15:14
Many of you know that I developed agoraphobia as a result of my anxiety disorder. In recent months, it has waned somewhat and I've been getting out with less distress. At times, I almost feel normal.

Then there are times like this morning...

My thought was to trot over to the local farmer's market, a scant eight blocks from home, pick up some fresh vegies, then come home and loaf around the house. We're talking a ten-fifteen minute errand at best.

So what was the problem? This morning I felt a severe almost crushing fear of stepping outside my door.

Now, I do still often have a little bit of trepidation when I go out, but sometimes it is barely there. Today, it was so strong that my instinct was to jump back into bed and pull the covers over my head.

So what did I do? Got dressed and went anyway, with my heart racing and my head spinning and that weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that feels like a pile of jelly shifting about.

And what happened? Not a blessed thing. I visited several booths at the farmer's market, picked some lovely tomatoes, cucumbers, rutabagas, and sweet potatoes. Then I stopped at a convenience store on the way home and bought a newspaper which I will read shortly.

The fear and its symptoms began to fade while I was in the market and by the time I got to the convenience store were gone - leaving me feeling a little worn out but otherwise just fine.

So once again my anxiety did its level best to keep me from doing something and I did it anyway, and nothing bad happened - reminding me one more time that all anxiety does is lie and deceive and that I should not listen to what it whispers in my ear.

macc noodle
28-05-11, 15:17
Well done hun !!!!!!!!!!!! A great success - bye bye Mr Anxiety your presence was not needed on this trip.


28-05-11, 15:25
Thank you Macc Noodle :hugs:

28-05-11, 16:31
That is great, I want to give you great big http://r12.imgfast.net/users/1212/48/70/82/smiles/52970.gif (http://javascript<b></b>:emoticonp(':hugs 2:')) because I know that was not an easy thing to do, but because you know you have a choice to live your life in the fresh air or to spend it locked away with the Anxiety Demon and you chose freedom, I hope you realise he will be so pissed off that you went with him but left him out there in the real world on his own, I sure hope he is suffering big time :roflmao: and I hope you have every day free of him

28-05-11, 17:41
Hi mtatum,

Well done. Now when the anxiety comes you will be able to say to yourself 'Who's the boss'! You were really brave :)


29-05-11, 14:34
Thank you all!

And as a postscript to yesterday, I went to see a live play last night. Honestly, I didn't want to go simply because I am so damn tired from mid-afternoon on, but a friend had spent money on the tickets, so I kinda felt like I had to go.

Anyway, anxiety rode along with us and hammered away at me all the way through the first scene of the first act. I started to get a little more control during the second scene. By intermission, things were settling down nicely and I was able to squeeze a little enjoyment from the last act. Needless to say I was absolutely wiped out when I got home and ended up sleeping ten hours last night.

But here's a little something about last night too - I never got around to taking any Xanax during the play. I did have a few sprays of Rescue Remedy and that seemed to be enough to eventually calm the demons.

So this morning I am still tired but feeling a bit triumphant. You'll understand that going to a play and making it through has meaning on several layers when I mention that during the 80's and 90's I was active in community theater as a performer, so going to a live play is like being "home" for me in a way. And in spite of the damned anxiety, it was nice to be home.

30-05-11, 11:24
Such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing this, really! :) Keep up the amazing work. xx

30-05-11, 11:41
Well done Mike, it takes a huge amount of courage to go out when feeling they way you did, and I'm glad you got so much out of the theatre trip. There are few better feelings than getting one over one's anxiety. be proud of yourself xxx

30-05-11, 20:03
Thanks everybody. I'm starting an experiment today - adding a multivitamin to the other supplements my doctor has me taking. I picked up a formula that is supposed to be good for men over fifty and will see if it helps relieve some of the fatigue without causing my nerves to act up.