View Full Version : Not knowing where to turn !!

28-05-11, 15:21
hiya guys going thru a lot at min im suffering from Anxiety depresion now the doc thinks i got b.p.d he sending me for a blood test next week which im freaking out about as i got bad needle phobia and feel sick and faint afterwards......i struggle gettin out and always fight with my partner as when we get invieted to partys and i cant go with suffering he always tells me just because i cant go dont mean he cant which leaves me feeling worthless and also cant cope with been alone in the house so i cant win wot ever i do dont help my partner been like that :( x

28-05-11, 18:57
Hi Nicki22, I can relate to the fear of blood tests. I have to have them at least once a year, so it's something that crops up often. The last time I went, I set up a play list on my MP3 player so that I could listen to songs that relaxed me. It worked as a good distraction technique.
I also make sure I face the wall looking away from where the nurse is doing her thing, so that I cannot see what's going on. Chatting to the nurse about your fears can be helpful too. I always explain it whilst she's setting up the equipment, as I don't want to appear rude!
Try to focus on how chuffed you'll feel afterwards. its a big thing and if you manage it you deserve a treat afterwards. :)

28-05-11, 19:55
I used to be really scared of getting my blood took and needles ect, i remember when was pregnant first time round and i had to get blood took i literally needle passed out she had to lie me down and open the window, mindya it didnt help the fact my boyfriend said something along the lines of "jeeze how much blood have you taken" so i looked lol!
Anyway since then i just never looked and i focused on the wall or floor or just talked to the nurse doing it. Just make them aware that your not to keen on needles and they will be understandly and take there time etc. Have some nice cold water with you and take a drink afterwards, it will make you feel better trust me.

i can 100% relate to you about the not going out bit, i have missed out on so many things because im basically houseband with the way my anxiety is and the fears of breathing problems etc, im limited with what i will do, and i feel like im going to push my bf away with the way i am or that he will just find me pathetic and i try to shrug off with how bad i actually feel sometimes just so he cant witness it, but iv learned if im open and i let my bf see how upset and states i get it then he understands and tries his best to make me feel better and pushes me to do things in a good way, rather than making me feel bad.

28-05-11, 19:56
*nearly passed out lol not needle