View Full Version : panic attacks along with constant Fear/anxiety/dread

28-05-11, 15:33
Hi everyone. I'm brand-new too this site and would love any feedback/comments you may have regarding my situation.

I experienced my first panic-attack around 9 months ago, which was triggered by the death of a family member. I had never had anything like that happend to me before and it scared me too my very core. After a quick trip to A&E (thinking i was on the verge of a heart attack and thinking i was going to die any minute) the nurse sat me down and reassured me everything was going to be ok and that i was having a 'panic attack'... For days after i was shook up off the whole ordeal, but after a week or so i was back to my normal self, and panic attacks where the last thing on my mind.

That was until 6 weeks ago when a "out the blue" panic attack happened which scared me so bad. I had been out for dinner with friend and come home to unwind. as i lay on my bed all of a sudden i had this "overhelming" feeling come over me. A feeling of being out of tune with the world and not really being here??. i immediatley thought something was wrong with me, and i was going to die any second! My heart started beating soo fast, and my whole body was pins and needles. my hands locked and i couldnt breath properly. Feeling so fearful and out of sorts i ran around the house not knowing what to do? For what seemed like an eternity the panic attack slowely subsided and i regained some tiny form of normality-feeling. However i was still left with this great fear and anxiety.

3 weeks after this attack i still haven't felt right. I have been experiencing a number of panic attacks during the day and at night and i'm full of anxiety and fear 24/7. I have been scared too sleep and have been convincing myself there is something seriously wrong with me? I have also developed this great fear of death and of "dying"? This anxiety is with me all day every day. Making myself soo sick with worry i went to see my GP. I told her how i was feeling and what i had experienced and she told me there and then it was anxiety related and a panic disorder along with a case of depression. She has given me a course of tablets called "citalopra' and some sleeping pills too help me unwind at night.

It's been little over 4 days since taking the drugs and this feeling of intense anxiety still lingers, i think of nothing else.

I know i'v rambled on so im going to stop now. Any advice/help/guidence would be great at this time.

-symptoms -

Surges of overwhelming panic
Feeling of losing control or going crazy
Heart palpitations or chest pain
Feeling like you’re going to pass out
Trouble breathing or choking sensation
Hot flashes/chills
Trembling or shaking
Nausea or stomach cramps
Feeling detached or unreal
Intense fear of dying

28-05-11, 16:40
Normal Normal Normal
Well to a lot of us on here all your symptoms are normal for Panic/Anxiety Disorder.
Go back to docs and ask to be reffered to an anxiety management course before you get to a point where you cant control it and it takes over your life.
I have had mine for 40+ years and still get days/weeks where it comes a visiting but like all things as we get to know him we gain some control and have the strength most days to ignore his visits.
I hope you are feeling a little better after reading the posts on the forum and know you are not alone.

28-05-11, 17:36
Thanks jamangie... I've been reading through some of the posts in the forum and it does give me a little reassurance (although everything i do these days makes me so scared and anxious, even reading peoples posts? silly i know) i think as well, its the fear of the 'un-know' and the constant non-stop fear/anxiety 24hrs a day... of course these constant symptoms dont help. I have an other appoitment for 2wks time, will mention the anxiety course. I will try anything, im desprate to feel normal again if ever?...

28-05-11, 20:07
what you describing is normal and harmless. I been having feelings like this since i was 15/16 and im 23 now.
I have had times where i feel relaxed and watching a dvd or snuggled with my partner etc when all of a sudden il just come over realllly scared, il litreally jump up and feel like i cant breathe and il start pacing the floor and just wondering to the phone going to phone for help, by this time my hearts beating so fast and i start getting really hot and dizzy and literally feel like im dying, il struggle to catch my breath and can barely talk, and then get flashing images of me lying on the floor suffocating type thing!
Then maybe 20 mins or so later il suddenly begin to calm down and actually be able to sit still and take deep breathes!
When im eventually as calm as il get i will think to my self "where did that come from?" how could that happen when i was enjoying my film.

Believe me all kinds of things go through my head, its very hard to believe that anxiety can make you feel like this and just comes out of the blue like that, een when we not in any akward and unrelaxed situations!

I used to get this at least a few times a day, but now i maybe have 2 or 3 reallly bad attacks aday, but finding ways of managing it and challenging it is the best way!

As for the fear of dying.. that is perfectly normal, everyone on this site has that fear - thats why we are here!

As for the citraplam your taking and that, i got advised to use that and was told it could take up to 6 weeks to work, i guess it may depend on the dose, i chose not to take it when i was pregnant at the time. Give it time to kick in, if you feel no different then talk to your gp.

If you ever wanna talk, feel free to message me :)

28-05-11, 20:24
what you describing is normal and harmless. I been having feelings like this since i was 15/16 and im 23 now.
I have had times where i feel relaxed and watching a dvd or snuggled with my partner etc when all of a sudden il just come over realllly scared, il litreally jump up and feel like i cant breathe and il start pacing the floor and just wondering to the phone going to phone for help, by this time my hearts beating so fast and i start getting really hot and dizzy and literally feel like im dying, il struggle to catch my breath and can barely talk, and then get flashing images of me lying on the floor suffocating type thing!
Then maybe 20 mins or so later il suddenly begin to calm down and actually be able to sit still and take deep breathes!
When im eventually as calm as il get i will think to my self "where did that come from?" how could that happen when i was enjoying my film.

Believe me all kinds of things go through my head, its very hard to believe that anxiety can make you feel like this and just comes out of the blue like that, een when we not in any akward and unrelaxed situations!

I used to get this at least a few times a day, but now i maybe have 2 or 3 reallly bad attacks aday, but finding ways of managing it and challenging it is the best way!

As for the fear of dying.. that is perfectly normal, everyone on this site has that fear - thats why we are here!

As for the citraplam your taking and that, i got advised to use that and was told it could take up to 6 weeks to work, i guess it may depend on the dose, i chose not to take it when i was pregnant at the time. Give it time to kick in, if you feel no different then talk to your gp.

If you ever wanna talk, feel free to message me :)

Thank-you so much for your post sarah. What you described has happened so many times to me too... Where iv been relaxing (or trying too) or just about to fall asleep I get that "overwhelming feeling" and that rush of adrenalin followed by the panic! The symptoms that the anxiety causes pretty much every second of the day is driving me crazy as it keeps scaring me in to a panic. Its like a vicious circle isn't it?!...

Thanks again... I'll keep you informed.

29-05-11, 14:11
Hi Everyone,
I have just been reading some of your thoughts and problems with panic attacks. Sunshine you sum up the symptoms perfectly. I can put a tick to all of them. I am due to go to Spain at the end of the week, and the nearer it gets the more panic I am feeling. Not so much with the flight, but worrying about if is too hot and what I will do if I have a panic attack while I am out somewhere. They have happened before whilst I have been out and more than anything I feel so stupid. I was wondering if any of you have any tips to help me cope. I really feel as though I would rather just not go and cancel the whole thing, but that would just spoil it for everyone. It is such a relief sometimes to come on to this website, and feel as though there are people out there who understand how I feel. Does anyone else feel as though nobody understands, what it's like to have a panic attack and live each day in fear ( mostly of things that don't exist). Anyway I've moaned enough, shed a few tears and feel a bit better. Hope to hear from someone. Cheers Gloria :blush:

29-05-11, 14:41
Sun-shine no doubt by now you've read through enough of the posts on this forum to know that everything you describe is very familiar to all of us. The good counsel you've received in regard to seeking treatment is right on the mark. One thing I would stress is that you should not get discouraged if the first approaches to treatment don't yield results. Many of us have found that it is a bit of a task to find the right combination of treatments that speaks to our individual conditions and begin to recover from our nervous illness. As you seek to find the combination that is right for you, know that you'll get plenty of support from people here.

And Gloria - yes, sometimes it is so frustrating when people don't get it, even when they are trying to do so. Over time, I've become convinced that there is no way for even the most sincere of loved ones to fully grasp what is going on inside of us unless they have been through the same sort of thing. On the one hand, I wish people did understand a little better. On the other hand, I wouldn't wish any of what I've gone through on anybody.

Thank God for this forum and the ability to communicate with others who do understand. I can't begin to describe how much solace and comfort it has been to me since I found it in 2008.

29-05-11, 19:06
Hi Gloria, thanks for your post. I feel for you. My family are lovely but I don't think they really understand what's going on, and that is a phase or something? Everyone keeps telling me I'm going to be alright but I don't think I am?...

Today I woke up with the usual feeling of anxiety and doom, after forcing down eggs for breakfast (my stomachs been in knots for days and everything I eat makes me feel like I'm choking, blah!) I decided enough was enough and I went for a swim. I felt better after it, and I would recommend anxiety sufferers to go swimming too. The "normality" feeling doesn't last very long, But its a help! I'm still in the core of my anxiety issues right now so don't have a lot of words of wisdom. I just hope it starts to feel lighter then it does right now.

Kind regards x

29-05-11, 19:13
Sun-shine no doubt by now you've read through enough of the posts on this forum to know that everything you describe is very familiar to all of us. The good counsel you've received in regard to seeking treatment is right on the mark. One thing I would stress is that you should not get discouraged if the first approaches to treatment don't yield results. Many of us have found that it is a bit of a task to find the right combination of treatments that speaks to our individual conditions and begin to recover from our nervous illness. As you seek to find the combination that is right for you, know that you'll get plenty of support from people here.

And Gloria - yes, sometimes it is so frustrating when people don't get it, even when they are trying to do so. Over time, I've become convinced that there is no way for even the most sincere of loved ones to fully grasp what is going on inside of us unless they have been through the same sort of thing. On the one hand, I wish people did understand a little better. On the other hand, I wouldn't wish any of what I've gone through on anybody.

Thank God for this forum and the ability to communicate with others who do understand. I can't begin to describe how much solace and comfort it has been to me since I found it in 2008.

Thanks for the post. Yes after reading through the panic/anxiety forums it did bring to light the amount of people on here who suffer similar symptoms as myself. I also agree with you about the therapy, I guess its gonna be hard to find the one I need, but once I do I am hope its a help. I'm desperate to lead a normal life. I just wish I could go back to the "me" I was before all this fear and anxiety I carry around now....

ashton 88
29-05-11, 19:42
Hi sun-shine i have suffered from panic attacks for 2 yrs now. They were ruining my life, i lost so much weight couldnt eat or sleep and just felt i was living in constant fear of having another one. I had a bad attack 2day and i called a place called breathing space, you should look them up on the internet i found them really helpful. How long have you suffered this? I am on the escitalopram 10mg and you need to just stick to them as they will help u in the long run. Exercise can help to as it will use the adrenalin that feeds the panic attack.
Hope you start to feel better soon. x

30-05-11, 01:26
Hi Ashton. Thanks for the post. I had my first panic attack 9 months ago which was triggered by the passing of my gran. It was a very scary experience but it only ever happened the once. That was until a few months after when an "out the blue" panic attack happened too me whilst I was just relaxing after having dinner with friends, the experience has traumatised me Ever since.

I now experience a number of attacks on a regular basis, and live in constant fear and panic. These past few weeks have been the worst for me by far. I'm convincing myself I'm going to die or pass out every minute of the day, with the worst symptoms ever?...

I have been put on "citalopram" its been a little over 5 days, and if I'm honest it seems to have suppressed the actual panic attacks, but my anxiety levels are at an all time high. My brain thinks the worst of everything? And like you I have ended up losing a lot of weight due to having virtually no appetite and the constant worry about my health and of others?

I have started going swimming a few times a week along with the gym if I can face it. The swimming at the time seems to help and for a short while after, but this only lasts an hour if that? I work too, but I just couldn't face going in so have actually been ringing in sick until my next GP appointment.


ashton 88
30-05-11, 12:04
Yeah i totally understand how you are feeling, i dont know how mine started it just came out the blue one day i was coming home from college. One of the worst feelings in the world and i wouldnt wish it on anyone. But what you have to remember is all the times you have had an attack have you paased out, have you took a heart attack? You have got to remember that the symptoms are harmless!! It has taken me a long time to come to terms with it but you will get there. I thought i was never goin to be normal again but i got there, i usually have a bad attack after i have been drinking the night before. I have also tried hypnotherepy which i found helped me loads but everyone is different. Is there any reason that these attacks have returned, r u worried about anything or has anything happened. I can usually control my attacks by doing deep breathing exercises, have you spoke to anyone about this.

31-05-11, 10:48
Yeah i totally understand how you are feeling, i dont know how mine started it just came out the blue one day i was coming home from college. One of the worst feelings in the world and i wouldnt wish it on anyone. But what you have to remember is all the times you have had an attack have you paased out, have you took a heart attack? You have got to remember that the symptoms are harmless!! It has taken me a long time to come to terms with it but you will get there. I thought i was never goin to be normal again but i got there, i usually have a bad attack after i have been drinking the night before. I have also tried hypnotherepy which i found helped me loads but everyone is different. Is there any reason that these attacks have returned, r u worried about anything or has anything happened. I can usually control my attacks by doing deep breathing exercises, have you spoke to anyone about this.

Thanks Ashton, this post was a great help and made me realise that i'm not the only one, and that others suffer the same/similar experiences as me. i think this past month everything's just come too a head with me, its not been just one particular thing thats triggered the anxiety?

i have some lovely friends/family who i can always talk too, and the doctor now know's pretty much everything as too how im feeling. i'm just trying too taking each 1hr as it comes. I'm also thinking of starting CBT, which the doctor has reccomened. But will keep you posted.


31-05-11, 13:45
Its as I have said before.

Its the dreaded fear of fear cycle. Speaking for most of us, its not that we fear death a heart attack, being alone....etc, etc, its that we fear the feeling of fear or terror that comes with it. Its the anticipation that these experiences will cause us to feel fear?



01-06-11, 14:53
Its as I have said before.

Its the dreaded fear of fear cycle. Speaking for most of us, its not that we fear death a heart attack, being alone....etc, etc, its that we fear the feeling of fear or terror that comes with it. Its the anticipation that these experiences will cause us to feel fear?



yes meewah, this dreaded fear of fear cycle is a pain! its a never ending battle.

for me its also all the "symptoms" that comes along with not only the actual panic attack but just the every day feelings... for instance every-day i have a lump in my throat 24/7, my chest usually always feels tight, i'm aways dizzy, always on edge and can never settle? i find that i also feel very weak, in my upper arms, hands and legs and dont have an appetite at all? i'm anxious all day every day! :-S

and what i find with getting these symptoms/feelings, my mind thinks over and over "well there must be something seriously wrong with you" which then triggers major fear and thats the fuel added to the fire for an actual panic attack to start and then a whole new load of symptoms happen whilst having the attack. Then your that shook up about having this dreadful panic attack you fear another one! and then your back to square one!

if only i had a switch to turn ON and OFF my thinking when i wanted...

*sigh* :(