View Full Version : Anxiety?

28-05-11, 15:40
Two months ago I experienced a panic attack at work, it lasted for five minutes (heart racing and dizzy feeling) I was very scared that I was having a heart attack. After this I was allowed to go home from work where I had a nap- having been left tired and weak.
I was off the next day and I decided to go out shopping. After walking for twenty minutes, I noticed that my left leg was feeling strange. It felt weaker than the right one but was not actually weak, just the feeling and later that day, I had the same feeling in my left arm. At bed time, as I was trying to fall asleep I started experiencing a pain in the left side of my chest and had problems breathing. I hardly slept all that night and in the morning went to A&E after being advised to by NHS Direct who advised me to go as these are the symptoms of a mini stroke (TIA). After a brief exmination and an ECG, the doctor told me it was nothing more than anxiety.
For the next week, I had pains in the left side of my chest and aches in my left limbs. I was referred by my GP to a rapid chest pain clinic, where, after the physical stress examination (ECG on a treadmill) they found no reason for my chest pain and I was referred back to my GP; This was the last day I experienced chest pains. He then ordered a blood test to check for everything, which came back completly normal with a deficiency in vitamin D which I am now taking suplements for.
From then on, the only thing bothering me was the odd sensation in my left leg and arm (a warm sensation, somethimes a pinching around my joints, sometimes sore muscles- like I had been working out at the gym). These symptoms went away for a week, but soon came back.
About a week ago, I noticed that every day I felt a warmness spread across the left side of my whole body and a dizzyness whenever I eat the first meal of the day, which usually last few hours. I feel weak, shaky and tired most of the time and have difficulty breathing (like I'm breathing normally but I'm not getting enough oxygen). I went to my GP about this and he referred me to the hospital for a TIA (mini stroke) assessment which has so far come back negitave- I am just waiting on my MRI scan.
I am getting really worried about this- that it might be somehting really serious. Is anyone out there exeriencing similar symptoms? I get very anxious and end up working myself up thinking about it, which of course makes me feel worse!