View Full Version : Just want to teel some one

28-05-11, 16:47
just want to talk to some one about my anxiety how im feeling and what my life is like as i dont know how to get some sort of life back . firstly im 55 and devorced for 7yrs have children who are grown up now apart from my daughter who is 14 and have2 older sons who live at home still, ive had this anxiety for a over 5yrs now but its only been the 12mnths ihave got help for it ive done cbt but it didnt help much , but just lately my anxiety has been relly bad dont why and it feels im just going round in circles i dont know who i am anymore i feel lost lonely i dont have any friends i dont drive ive never got any spare money to go and do thingsas im on beniefts idont have any hobbies i dont even know what i like doing any more ive lost alot of wieght thro anxiety ive no clothes that fit me nomore and cant buy any because i dont have enough left of my beniefts to buy self something some days i dont even can be botherd to get dressed or washed or even do any house work because of the way i feel. i know deep down all this is not helping my anxiety. i know that they say to over come anxiety u must find distraction do something like hobbie or something that u enjoy doing but i dont even know what i used to enjoy its seems all that has been lost and i cant get it back .so all i do is sit in my bedroom and only go local shop when i have to .which is probly why my anxiety is so bad again ive no self asteem no convidence any more . i know what im suposed to be doing to over come my anxiety but i just dont know how to anymore its seem ive no interst in anything nomore and i dont know if all this is part and parcel of having anxiety . sorry this so long just needed totell some one and hope some else lives similar to me , or is it just me not helping myself enough and just feeling sorry for my self

28-05-11, 16:59
I am so sorry to hear you feel like you do, first you need to make an appointment at the docs as you sound as if you are clinically depressed and they will be able to give you meds to get that side of things sorted, the meds will take a while to kick in but it will be a start, as for the anxiety that will also be able to be treated and they will prescribe something for that as well as a short term aid.
Take yourself to the bathroom and have a nice warm shower or bath that will make you feel at least a little better.
Have you no family that you can call to talk to? if not ring this number to have someone to talk to 0808 808 0545 its a free number, let me know you are ok PM if you want

28-05-11, 17:13
hi thk you for replying ive seen my gp and they say its anxiety. i wont take pills im petried of them the side effects but my gp has referd me to see a pyhcatrist which is a week mon

28-05-11, 17:22
There is nothing unusual about fearing taking the tabs but some times when its really bad it is a good idea just to have a short course of them to kick start your repairs if you see what I mean, did he not give you anything in the interim.
I know how bad things can get and you are lucky he has reffered you to see some one this quick I am sure they will help get you back on the right track.