View Full Version : How to get rid of anxiety?

28-05-11, 18:51
Hi guys!
I am struggling for 2 months now. Feel sick and tired of all that. I was very active, outgoing person, now, I stay home alot and call in sick at work (extra stress that I will get sacked), my girlfriend is wonderfull support, but I am afraid that could affect my relationship.
At mo i fell weak, shaky, have dizzy spells every day, plus I got aches on my left arm and leg (but the last one I have non stop for two months now)
I got blood work done, came back ok (just vitamin d low 14), had lots of ECG, been to my GP 5 times and ER twice. I keep thinking its something serious, like burning sensation in my left arm and leg and I think it might be MS or cancer, symptoms are so real! I just want my life back and to get better, but dont know how. Any advice?

28-05-11, 19:49
I always feel weak and have a lot of dizzy spell sbecause i get really bad palpatations. I laso get aches everywhere - not just specific constant places. The thing is you have had your blood checked and it just came back how you said which is fine, if there was anything major wrong they would of picked it up in your bloods, blood samples detect almost anything serious, hense why they take them regular in pregnancies etc. ECG would detect anything major also, and the fact you have a had a few and they came back ok each time is reassurance in its self!

Its understandable that you feel that its something serious but the fact you have seen professionals about it and been tested and come back ok should make you feel some what of assured.

Im the same with my breathing and anything really, i panic and even when doctors just relate it to anxiety i find it very hard to believe especially when the symptoms are the same of what serious illness's are!

Cell block H fan
28-05-11, 19:51
We tend to get into a spiral of anxiety that's the trouble. It's like a knock on effect, then it escalates everything. Vitamin D mainly comes from the sun, you dont feel like going anywhere, so you stay indoors, the longer you ring in sick the worse the thought of going back again gets. Round & round it goes. And if I or anyone can answer how you get rid of the rollercoaster, we wouldn't need places like this hun. And the awful thing is when you can actually think straight for a moment, you remember it all started with one symptom usually :hugs: