View Full Version : Does health anxiety ever go

anx mum
28-05-11, 19:48
The reason i ask this is ive had 6 bad anxiety attacks lasting 3 months the most recent one was the worse ended up in hospital i think its got me alot better still on loads of drugs and still get anxous but not as bad thank u to everyone on here whos helped me through such a diffcult time i should write a book

Cell block H fan
28-05-11, 19:58
Not completely, just my personal opinion. But the episodes become fewer. I think it can depend what's going on in your life in the end. Starting work part time knocked a fair amount of it on the head for me as I had other stuff to think about. I think many life changing episodes can have it disappearing for a while.
Not sure if anything we can do conciously has it going away. As I say though, just my opinion. It still rears its ugly head now n then. But maybe doesn't last as long either.

28-05-11, 22:07
Yes, it will go. I was REALLY bad, was in the hospital over it soooooooooooo many times and now I can say that I can't remember the last time that I had a panic attack. It takes time and acceptance but you'll get there, you just can't give in. I still get my anxious moments from time to time but I'm not 100% fully there yet, I believe I can get there though, and so can you.

28-05-11, 22:09
Yes it does go, mine has and yours can leave you too.

di xx

28-05-11, 22:23
I bloody hope it does go!....Since March last year I've only had a few weeks free of HA. Its really wearing me down now. :sad:

29-05-11, 04:09
It goes and after a while you forget you ever had it.
You just gotta hang in there in the meantime.
Phill :shades:

29-05-11, 07:51
my HA hasnt gone... but its 90% manageable thanks to CBT. It only rears its ugly head if I encounter a trigger or I am feeling vulnerable. Even if it never entirely goes, there are ways of letting it have less impact on your day to day life. Its just a matter of finding what works for you x

29-05-11, 08:04
The reason i ask this is ive had 6 bad anxiety attacks lasting 3 months the most recent one was the worse ended up in hospital i think its got me alot better still on loads of drugs and still get anxous but not as bad thank u to everyone on here whos helped me through such a diffcult time i should write a book

Really pleased you are feeling better now Bev :yahoo:

I,m new to all this but i,m convinced i can,t relay on just drugs alone , everyone has anxiety its natural its when it takes over your life its a problem . I,m 90 % there now .
I,m up early again this morning as for some reason i still wake up feeling shakey some mornings with a lump in my throat :shrug::shrug:no idea why so the dog gets a long walk and i come back feeling ok :D

Just do all you can to make Bev happy , plenty of fresh air and loads of excercise and a new hobby perhaps , anything to get your mind on nicer things .

Take care luv

29-05-11, 10:04
Hi Bev
Yes it does go away but we all have to help ourselves and try and do things to keep our minds occupied
I am glad that you are feeling better
Look after yourself.
