View Full Version : sad mum

28-05-11, 21:54
My 20 yr old daughter has been diagnosed with a heart defect and is now on citalopram to help with her anxiety...she has coped very well for the first 5 weeks - no smoking...no alcohol. but the last 2 weekends she has had a couple bottles of wine and she has turned into an absolute monster, calling me all the names under the sun and trying to strangle me whilst i -drove her around the streets to sober her up...i feel i need tablets or alcohol to get me through this...she shopuldnt drink whilst on this medication should she???

28-05-11, 21:57
Hi mummygal99

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-05-11, 14:36
Hi Mummygal99

You shouldn't drink any alcohol while taking SSRI anti-depressants as far as I am aware. I am on Sertraline (another SSRI) and the doc made it quite clear 'NO ALCOHOL' while on the med. It also states this clearly in the acompanying information leaflet. I have always followed this advice, though I know not everyone does. These medicines do change things in your head and the alcohol messes around with that. I never risked chancing it at all, even though I really do miss having a drink or two. I am now so much better after taking these medicines properly.

Your daughter is obviously under a lot of stress. Maybe some form of counselling might help her cope with things? Since she seemed to be doing so well initially, do you know if anything happened that made her change this and start drinking? It must be really hard in your twenties when the people around you are often out at pubs and clubs when you can't drink.

Hope you can manage to get to the bottom of this.

Best wishes

29-05-11, 20:06
Thanks for your support and guidance. She is due to start CBT, I think as she now has a confirmed heart defect..her "friends" are frightened to approach her...maybe with time...no alcohol and a little TLC she will resume normal service eh....:)

30-05-11, 18:49
The behaviour could just be an understandable reaction.
It may help to find something she is interested in or start a new hobby that you can both share.
To have a physical and anxiety problem is a double whammy and you will need patience.

Your love for your daughter will bring you through