View Full Version : Another night attack :(

29-05-11, 04:24
Hi, I'm in need of help again,
I've woken again after only 2 hours sleep to fast heart and sweating and the anxiety is kicking in :( I also feel mild chest twinges on left side :(
Hubby is happily snoring away beside me and I'm lying here in bed on the verge of tears Grr hate this so much - why me???

29-05-11, 07:22
Hi, I'm in need of help again,
I've woken again after only 2 hours sleep to fast heart and sweating and the anxiety is kicking in :( I also feel mild chest twinges on left side :(
Hubby is happily snoring away beside me and I'm lying here in bed on the verge of tears Grr hate this so much - why me???

Hi Linda. You poor thing! Hope you managed a few more hours sleep. I can totally sympathise with you on this one. Waking up in a panic, with symptoms that frighten the life out of you, which causes more anxiety and panic! Its a vicious circle and awful to go through. But what you need to know is, you are not alone in this. We are all in the same boat here. Even typing these words I'm thinking "whatever" because I know how much it sucks and how your constantly waiting for a ticket out of anxiety-town!... We need to try and see the light and think positive!

Feel better soon x

29-05-11, 07:48
i know how it feels. ive hardly slept in the last week. x

29-05-11, 08:07
I had a month of this , i,m convinced it was the citralapram . I could go to sleep fine but woke up after 2 hours and that was my lot usually , the house has never been as clean .

29-05-11, 08:25
Hi i get this too. I wake in a panic after a few hrs sleep. I try and make myself think nice thoughts about how cozy my bed is helps. I also speak to my anxiety (is that odd?) and say "not now thank you, i want to sleep".

Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't and I just tell myself I can survive on less sleep, I'll still be able to go to work. That helps take the pressure off.

Completely rubbish that we have to suffer with this though!

Good luck all

29-05-11, 21:59
Again I'm so thankful for the supportive messages, every one of them helps me.

I fell asleep after two hours. This is gettin me down so much though, just scares me so much I'm so stressed with all my anxiety at the moment I feel I am going mad!!