View Full Version : Ladies - bleeding after sex

29-05-11, 05:10
Last night my finace and I were having sex, afterwards I went to get up and I found bright red blood on the sheets and it was coming from me.

This is the first time this has happened, there was a bit of it not like spotting.

Anyhow I cleaned myself up and now I am a little worried.
I don't know what it could be?
Should I go to the doctors?

We were drunk and it could have been from not being lubricated enough and just a simple skin tear or something like that ...

Freaking out a little ...

29-05-11, 10:56
I think you're right in thinking it's a skin tear.
I've had this before, and I was as freaked out wondering what the hell was going on! It had been quite rough though and by the morning after the bleeding had stopped.
If it doesn't stop or it happens regulary, see your doc otherwise I wouldn't worry :)

paula lynne
29-05-11, 13:01
Best check with your doctor, especially if this is the first time its happened. Im sure it will be ok, but best get it checked out.x

macc noodle
29-05-11, 13:24
I would get it checked with the doc - better safe than sorry and it will save you worrying.

30-05-11, 02:22
Thanks everyone :)
I have a doc appointment later tonight - like you all said probably nothing but rather just check it out and be safer than sorry.

Thanks agai :)