View Full Version : Feel like a failure

29-05-11, 08:30
Hi all
Having a bad few days and just needed to get it off my chest. I have IBS and it has been playing up, on & off for a few days. I am also agoraphobic. I try & get out the house most days, but can't get further than the very local shops.
Yesterday I walked with my husband & son to the local M&S garage, less than 5 mins away, and I felt SO panicky. Last night my neighbours were being really loud & woke us up and I had to go downstairs and ask them to keep the noise down. Normally this wouldn't bother me, but when I came back upstairs I felt really shaky & IBS pains flared up making me feel like I had a large hard ball in my stomach...weird!!!
This morning I still have pains (no hard ball!!) and feel wobbly.
I just want to cry. I really need to get out, even to the shop otherwise I feel like I will never do it, but I feel shaky, belly hurts & I've had 4 hours sleep.
I feel like a failure for panicking yesterday & now feel the same for feeling unable to get out today.
I have been like this for around 7 years now and just can't imagine getting better. I know I have to get through the anxiety to get over it, but that's where I fall down:wacko:
Sorry for rambling, it's just sometimes you need to talk to people who are going through the same as you. My husband is great & keeps telling me not to be so hard on myself...but that in itself is hard!!! Oh, I wish I could go & get the papers without a meltdown, like a 'normal' person!!!
Well done if you got to the end & thanks for listening!!! :blush:


jaded jean
29-05-11, 09:32
Hi Kirsty .

You were bang to rights asking your neighbours to keep the noise down! -This will just exacerbate your anxiety AND your IBS I suffer with it too and they go hand in hand hun!!
Also its just baby steps = dont give yourself big goals to reach do it in YOUR own time,Keep at it tho dont stay in cos you had a crap time the first time lol.
You will get there and we are always here to listen -advise -within our capacity-and most of all look at the funny side of it:D although it wont feel like it at the time .
Praise yourself for every small advance you makeand you wil be well on the way to feeling like the old you !

29-05-11, 09:38
Thanks Jaded Jean!!! I actually feel a bit better already!!! I'm even thinking of going for a short walk later....:) x

jaded jean
29-05-11, 15:13
Well done even if you just go out the front gate thats progress. remember quality not quantity. Hope the weather is kind to you too.I am having a wobbly day but thats after eating jelly dinosaurs after I had been to a car boot sale.
lol.Good luck.xx