View Full Version : Feeling much better but quick question

29-05-11, 10:34
since I had a massive crying jag, a lot of the headaches and stuff have gone. Not completely but enough for now.

I was starving this morning though, so had some cereal and when I did, I felt a little bit sick afterwards. Does anyone else get this? Maybe its just a residual anxiety effect or maybe I just didn't fancy cereal I guess. I've noticed I haven't really fancied food much the past few days or been that hungry which is very unlike me, even with anxiety. I'm still into my junk food though when I eat it.

Just being silly, perhaps?

29-05-11, 16:38
hi hopefulmi

yes I get this a lot if I eat carbs in the morning . cereals in particular .think it may be linked to blood sugar levels [am not diabetic ] ......but feel sick always .

I now have protein like an egg for breakfast with one slice of toast .
dont know why it helps but it works and I dont feel nauseous then .
take care x