View Full Version : Reflux pain?

29-05-11, 11:18
I have ibs and I'm on mebeverine. I also now think i have reflux my dr started me on lansoprazole on Friday but I'm still in agony!! The issues I have are

Left rib pain feels like a knawing/burning pain
Sore throat
Post nasel drip
Feel sick
Burny feeling in stomach and throat
Etc etc..

Are these even reflux symptoms? The pains the worst. Anyone been on lanso? How long before it works?

Lele xx

29-05-11, 11:32
Hi I've been on it and my fiance is always on it. Yes, they are reflux symptoms, I actually used to wake thinking I was having a heart attack, the pain was that bad, and it used to shoot from my ribs to my back, if you can believe.

The lansoprazole was pretty quick for me, within the week so fingers crossed for you x

29-05-11, 22:08
Ok I hope the work for me too!

Lele xx

29-05-11, 22:26
Sounds like reflux to me. It can be agony sometimes and I too thought I was having heart probs and know two other people with reflux who thought same when they first had symptoms. I'm also lucky to have IBS too! Its like either end causiing trouble when food goes in and then at the end of the process (trying to put it politely). I'm on Omeprazole..any reflux meds seem to need a few days to kick in