View Full Version : Polish and sinuses

29-05-11, 13:40
my dad was just polishing furniture and i touched it and it was really wet so now i am panicking. also. today i feel like there is something in my nose. not blocked feeling but can defo feel something. also got pain around nose and it hurts to press around there. still worried about sinuses as i had a bad sinus infection around 2 months ago

29-05-11, 14:04
Hi Emma.

It sounds like allergies; allergies can aggravate anxiety. I suffer with sinus problems to and have done for quite a few years - they were really bad at one point.

I've been using some sinus rinse from Boots called neil meds: it's made a huge difference. I also get a nasal spray from the doctor, maybe you should ask your doctor for one.

29-05-11, 14:06
Hi. thanks. i had thought of allergies to which worries me as im scared the allergies will kill me. also only other thing i can think of is when i use my hair straighnters every day they smell funny- was wondering if hear can aggrvavte my sinuses.

29-05-11, 16:49
also when i eat hot food i get a slightly runny nose in one nostril- nothing leaks but i can feel it in my nose. i always feel so sick and ill and headaches etc and have the worse muscle pain in the world. and pain it hurts to press arounf my nose.

29-05-11, 20:51
I shouldnt of googled and i havnt since last year but a sudden red mark just appaeared on hand then went a few mins later and it came up with skin cancer.it feels weird there now.
also i get foot and ankle cramps and random back spasms and bad numbness to the point i couldnt walk earlier so worried about blood clots to. also i heard somewere on here an itchy nipple was a sign of skin cancer- well i had one a few days ago. also got sunburnt this year and twice last year- have such fair skin that i got burnt even with cream on. was burnt so bad when i was 7 that i couldnt sleep on it

29-05-11, 21:06
also one of my toe nails just fallen of- no blood what so ever. it had been purple for a couple of months.

29-05-11, 21:48
also been getting an itch in one ear and one eye feels slighty itchy and sore nd funny

29-05-11, 21:58
also get pain in cheek and one gum. meant to be up at 5am to go out for the day but i just cant go to bed so much worrying