View Full Version : How to help your anxiety? Share Please!

29-05-11, 15:40
Hi guys!
I created that thread for people who would like to share on what is helping them to minimalise anxiety, so we can learn from each other on how to go through life with This condition.
I suffer for 2 months now, only a weak ago got real bad for me, while at work I experienced dizzy spells, shakiness and weakness. Every day I wake up like 5 in morning with panic attack " oh no! I am goin to work and it's gonna happen again" and usually does! Over last 2 months I went to doctors like 5 times, twice to A&E, cardiologist and neurologist. They all told me it's stress and anxiety, nothing more. You think thats enough reassurance to put my mind at ease, but no! I keep thinking it's something serious. Now I am trying to convince myself it's anxiety and try to relax.
Things that help me are:
Going to my favourite coffee shop with my laptop and post and read alot posts, that help alot
I started to play guitar (learnig new things keep my mind of my anxiety)
Also I force myself into thinking, I am in charge here and no anxiety will bring me down.
It's real hard, but no one said it's gonna be easy, just gotta work hard and believe in better days to come!

29-05-11, 16:28
this is a lovely post Hubert :)

thank you for writing in such a positive manner and with tips to help .
learning guitar will be so helpful I bet .......distraction and concentrating and the joy of music to listen to and follow. Coffee shop idea excellent too .out the house and facing the damn anxiety demon head on .

good luck .keep us posted :hugs:

Hazel B
29-05-11, 16:30
Hi, I posted this before but will copy again as I'm still OK and on top of anxiety.

See your GP for help and advice, if they are not sympathetic talk to the practice manager and ask to see someone else.
Ask for medical tests if you do think you have a medical issue.
Take the medication prescribed for you, ask your GP and pharmacist about side-effects ect but remember, the drug companies are legally bound to print every side effect reported to them, it does not mean it will happen to you. I had Propranolol to break the adrenaline cycle.
Get counselling if you need help to talk it out/learn how to challenge negative and obsessive thoughts.
Learn to deep breathe from your tummy to help panic and calm your pulse.
Cut out nicotine and caffeine - the hardest thing I did for myself but the best for my long term health. I miss caffeine more than fags now!
Walk outside every day and try to see green fields, trees etc. Exercise regularly even if it kills you to do it.
Eat a well balanced diet and stay hydrated with water. Oats are said to be calming so I had porridge every day.
Use your support network, the people who love you unconditionally and those you trust, they can be there to listen, hold your hand, tell you how well you're doing and be there if you get scared or vulnerable.
Take time out of work if you need to, some people find work helps them stay busy, but for me I needed to have time off to get myself together.
Ignore or challenge negative thoughts, they will not kill you and once you learn this you can diminish their power over you.
Keep doing things that make you fell safe and distracted e.g. housework, reading, music, crafts etc.
Never stop believing that you WILL get better, even in your darkest moment grit your teeth and tell yourself it will pass. Your brain gets used to this positive affirmaiton.
This all takes time but will start to help you get over anxiety. I thought I was indestructible until anxiety got hold of me, now I am stronger and wiser for it.

:) You CAN beat anxiety!:)

29-05-11, 16:50
fantastic advice Hazel
printed that off .