View Full Version : Some support needed please =[

29-05-11, 17:14
Hey everyone! I just need some words of support at the moment and didn't know where else to turn.
I have a mood disorder and so for the past week I've been really low! I cannot see the point in getting out of bed, getting dressed or eating and I feel like I'm holding back tears all the time!
On friday I got what I think was tonsillitis - I had a fever and a terrible throat! Needless to say I jumped to the worst conclusion and convinced myself I was dying!
Anyway, my fevers gone and my throats easing up now so I should be on the mend but because I am feeling so depressed and haven't eaten I feel weak and generally sluggish. I was just wondering if the reason I feel so weak is because I haven't eaten for days? I'm worried theres
something awful wrong with me. Can not eating make you feel like this?
Thanks xxx

29-05-11, 18:32
Hi if you havent eaten for days this will make you feel week and sluggish you need to try and eat and get plenty of fluids i know i have been there it makes you feel worse when you dont eat iam sure your fine just try to relax everybody gets soar throats every so often