View Full Version : o oh am i relapsing

fretty freda
29-05-11, 18:46
i hate anxiety fear and depression with a passion its really not necessary for it to try and ruin my life wish it would get the hint and jus pee off but it keeps coming back to bother me every few months just when i thought i had got rid of the little devil for good !

i need to know exactly what brings it back on how to deal with it and prevent full relapse again like seriously do i have to live the rest of my life waitin g for these relapses to reaccur for like 10 years god wish it would realise i dont want it in my life .

at the min past few days i am sleeping like 4 hours every afternoon just to escape life and the nasty feelings i have dread for the future dispair scared insecure ect what is going on last week i was buzzing on top of the world and the past like 3 months ive been doing great , nothing significant has happened top change anything can anyone shed any ligt on this very odd i go for months i am fine then for no aparent reason relapse for a week or two then build up again to normal

very confused with this unpredictable illness