View Full Version : Hello all, in a spot of bother!

29-05-11, 19:14

Just found this forum after searching about panic attacks.

I've suffered from them on/off for about 3 years, even managing to completely get over them during which time i was never on any medication.

A year ago i had THE panic attack i'm sure everyone is aware of, tight chest, pins and needles, can't breathe etc and decided to go to the docs and was diagnosed with anxiety and depression.

Since then i've had good and bad spells with varying medication but in the last month it's been so bad, i've been unable to travel on trains and even shopping has caused them.

I'm currently on 150mgs Trazadone, 30mgs Mirtazipine aswell as Diazepam for the actual attacks.

Even with all that i'm still getting them, it's just ridiculous! i'm in a band and we tour quite alot and travelling in a van is a major part of what we do and i just can't imagine our next gig (were driving to Germany on Tuesday) without enduring the build up or eventual attack itself.

I'll start reading through these forums for help but thought i'd introduce myself too.



29-05-11, 19:17
Hi Carlosis

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-05-11, 22:16
Hey Carl!

Have you ever tried CBT therapy? It helps alot - I have suffered from Anxiety for a year and have been going for CBT therapy for a month now, its done me wonders!

Trace :)

29-05-11, 22:21

I've only recently been seeking professional help with the panic attacks and while i've been given computer software that contains self help CBT i really would like some one on one therapy for sure!

29-05-11, 23:40
I find the self help CBT programmes great but you cant beat a one on one with a therapist... good luck on your tour :)

30-05-11, 15:36
Thanks :)

A slight high note occurred yesterday though as recently all car journeys resulted in an attack, i was in a car for an hour yesterday and had an attack on the brink for the entire journey but held it back with a breathing technique (breathe in for 7 seconds, breathe out for 11) and this stopped it from fully happening, i dunno what's worse though! being on the brink of an attack for the hour or having a full blown attack and getting over it.

I cannot win!

30-05-11, 19:23
I know what you mean - which one is the worst of the 2 evils!! Congrats for making the hour journey tho, you can beat this, you can win - your winning by actually doing the things and finding the courage to overcome full blown attacks, its just all stepping stones... I find talking to someone, or putting my ipod on very loud or even reading can distract me out of a full blown panick. :)

06-06-11, 11:47
Well after a 4 day journey from Uk>Berlin>Leipzig>Uk here are my experiences...

The journey's themselves went just about drama free (with the help of Diazepam) and am more confident with journeys in general now.

I had a sudden rush of panic just before playing a gig in Berlin, which i've not experienced before which almost caused me to not play, i somehow overcome this and played as usual.

The second day in Leipzig i managed to keep my mind occupied playing games on my ipod and taking a 5mgs Diazepam half hour before to ensure i was sedated enough to not experience an attack, probably a bad thing as i'll probably always want to take one before each gig now.

I got back Friday night and hadn't taken Diaz all weekend, took my usual medication last night as normal (150mgs Trazadone & 30mgs Mirtazipine) and within half an hour experienced an overwhelming feeling of passing out/dizzyness which lasted about an hour. This really shook me up as i hadn't experienced this before.

I plan on seeing if it happens again tonight and attempt to see my GP tomorrow if it does.

So yeh, some highs and lows! next up we play at the o2 Arena next Monday (the Indigo stage, not the main arena!) so i guess i'll see how that goes!