View Full Version : Seem to be worried about everything

Rachel W
29-05-11, 19:19
I have been posting on this site on and off for over two years. I first started worrying about the fact that I had distorted vision and after being told I had drusen I was worried about AMD, although I first noticed the distortion when I was 33. I went to a retina specialist and they told me that my retinas were 100% healthy and did not even mentioned spots on my macular as the other ophthamologist did. They said that it must be a nerve issue and suggested that I see an neuro-ophthamologist. As I was having issues with balance I already had an appointment but ended up canceling it as I was terrified I would be told I had MS. However as I dwelled on this I felt weak and after a month I was so anxious and upset that I started twitching. Then my fears became ALS. As I read symptoms I started getting them, including speech issues. I got to the point that I was so scared that I went to a neurologist, had all the tests including an NCV and EMG, and all was fine. He even stuck a needle in my tongue. He told me to stop worrying and that stress and worry can cause any symptom it wants to.

Now I knew that I had distortion (which I had first noticed after a car accident, but was not sure if it was there before), I kept checking on an amsler grid and there was no change, so I assumed that it was indeed something from then.

The issue is I was using a computer a lot and after using an excel file for many months with very small boxes I had a day where my eyes felt tight. I exercised them and the next day I could see distortion with both eyes open and it looked like I had a little more in my left eye. However the distortion was the exact opposite as my right eye. But this has brought back the fear of AMD. Also, my speech is still bothering me. Also I have been stressed and I feel like my cognitive abilities are being compromised. I feel like I am going down in a spiral again. I am in the US and don't have health insurance, plus I am scared to go.

Do you think a retina specialist would detect any retinal disease, even if the distortion was slight? Also I used to eat a VERY unhealthy diet. I have OCD with contamination issues and so when I got home I would take a shower and it was easier for me to eat junk food. I am talking about cake and cookies etc. instead of real food. I was also a vegetarian for many years and ate A LOT of dairy so I always had high cholesterol. I now have a very healthy diet and I may eat a couple of squares of chocolate often, but the rest of my diet consists of oatmeal for breakfast with flax and walnuts, for lunch I may have a tomato, if I have a lunch at all and then for tea I have a couple of cups of veggies, with either broccoli and/or raw baby spinach, and whole wheat bread with egg whites. I also take B-complex, Vision vitamins (E, C, Zinc, Lutien, Copper), folic acid and have just started taking high potency fish oil (purified to prevent heavy metal poisoning). I occasionally have cake or ice-cream, but this may be only once a month or so, and the next day I won't have anything. I also have cinnamon when I have tea or coffee to help with sugar.

Once I started a healthy diet my cholesterol was fine, and all values pretty much where they should be. I was in the UK for a year and I did not eat as healthy but really tried as much as I could, although I ate more 'afters' then. But since returning in November I have been eating as above.

I am terrified that it is too late and I have already ruined my body. I am scared of AMD and also of dementia. I fear that plaques for both may be related and I am doomed.

Please help me. Does anyone know if a retina specialist could miss early AMD? Is it too late for me to have changed my lifestyle? I still hope to have children and feel that my body is breaking down early.

Thank you.