View Full Version : Hi, I am new to all of this!!!

29-05-11, 20:27
Hi everyone, I have just found this site while googling anxiety. I suffered from panic attacks a few years ago, after the death of my father. Since then I have had some anxious times, but not too bad.:) Just a few weeks ago, I felt ill (I have an auto immune illness which causes swelling and pain in joints) I put it down to the AI illness, but I felt incredibly sick, but couldnt be sick. I felt really "edgy" and things didnt "look right" I couldnt concentrate on anything, and didnt sleep, this lasted 4 days, then I felt ok.

This week it happened again, I had the same feelings, and this time I was actually sick so thought it was a bug. The feelings of everything being surreal, was so strange. Both my daughters are moving out soon, the eldest to live with her boyfriend, and my youngest is starting uni in September, leaving my husband and me alone, I know this is upsetting me, but its something that I cant control.

I went to see my gp and she diagnosed anxiety, and is sendig me for therapy, but there will be quite a wait. I am so worried it will keep happening and affecting my work too, ( I childmind) so am not able to relax properly. Sorry for the long post everyone. I hope to make some good friends on here too!:yesyes:

29-05-11, 20:28
Hi Lilleth

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-05-11, 20:55
:welcome: Lilleth
You will get lots of support here and make good friends