View Full Version : anuerysm?

29-05-11, 21:12
I'm getting myself all worked up and it's driving me crazy!

I started with a headache a week ago on Friday (20th May) and it was pretty constant but would get worse at times and die down a little at other times. On the tuesday I came down with a horrible stomach bug and the headache got worse. On the Wednesday night I was lay in bed about to go to sleep and I felt something "pop" in the top of my head. Instantly panic set in and I started having strange feelings in my face and head that felt like cold liquid running through it, I'm not sure whether this was due to the panic though. My headache still hasn't gone and I'm worried that it's a brain anuerysm and that I'm going to drop dead at any moment!

Can anyone please help to reassure me?? What would cause the "popping" feeling I felt? It was only once.

29-05-11, 21:15
hiya. i had that once- the popping feeling scared me but months later im still here :)

29-05-11, 21:18
thanks Em.ma, that makes me feel a bit better :) my boyfriend said it could just be sinuses but I've never had a problem with sinuses before so I wouldn't even know what it would feel like! I'm scared that the popping was a blood vessel bursting... the stupid things we think because of anxiety ey!! x

29-05-11, 21:32
yep. exactly what i thought to- went to a and e and they sent me home haha. youd know if you had sinus issues i think- i did/still have and i know about it

29-05-11, 22:15
You would not be on here if a blood vessel had burst honest. There is a bug going round that starts with a headache for a few days and weird sensations in your face etc then you get the tummy bug bit - a friend of mine was about to go to the Dr and she does not have HA because her headache was so bad and she said all on one side with weird sensations in her face - I did not question here any more so can't be specific when she got the tummy trouble and realised that it was a virus.

29-05-11, 22:29
thanks countrygirl :) I feel like I've got over the stomach bug but suppose I could feel headachey as I was really poorly with it. I've just got to start believing that it's just a headache! It's just the pop that I felt which has made me worry so much, but like you said, I wouldn't be here if a blood vessel had burst! lol! thanks x

30-05-11, 18:30
I'm having a bad time with this again. The headache is still here and I keep getting strange feelings in my head (tingling, pressure, feels like liquid running through it). I'm really scared and don't know what to do! Need help :(

31-05-11, 13:10
Hi this pop in head is normal Dr Claire weekes book self help for your nerves pg 108 says that some people complain of a noise in their head like a pistol shot when they are going to sleep she says be pleased if you hear that, it is a sign that your tensed muscles are relaxing and sleep is not far away!!! I had this once and must admit I felt panic and got your otehr symptoms as I was waiting for my head to explode or somthing else to happen, relax and sleep well.xx