View Full Version : Lowering my Dose

29-05-11, 23:28
I took one 20mg tablet of citalopram the other night and it really didnt agree with me. There is no way I could contiue with them with a toddler to look after. Hot and cold sweats, shivering and cold to the bone, waves of the worst sickness I have ever felt, the runs and feeling very faint and like I was going to pass out (my fear is passing out!) my anxiety was through the roof and has been alot worse since taking it feeling unable to relax :(

Anway im goin to have to call the dr back on tuesday. my friend thought 20mg might be too high a dose and maybe 10mg would be better.

Has anyone suffered really bad side effects with 20mg then changed down to 10mg and if so how were the side effects with 20mg compaired to the 10mg dose?

Im scared to take anything else as that was the worst experience of my life and like I say cant look after my toddler feeling like that.... if the side effects are going to be so bad with Anti-Ds what next? :(

31-05-11, 10:01
thankyou... i have called my dr to see what he can come up with. waiting on a call back at 11.05 this morning... fingers crossed he can advise something else.