View Full Version : hot flushes

20-04-06, 19:06
how common are hot flushes with anxiety? the feeling like youve rushed around and have to sit down a mo to get ur breathe back and head together anyone else know what i mean.

I understand i post alot and im sorry if i repeat myself, u guys have helped me thru some tough times i dont know where id be without u guys' help


20-04-06, 19:43
katy after almost 5 years of this s**t i have started to get these. cant believe its anxiety but the doc says it is

hope this helps , and post away, no feeling guilty, thats what were here for


20-04-06, 19:46
Hello Katyf!
In the early stages of anxiety, I too suffered with hot flushes - particulary before my period was due. When you are stressed/anxious, everything goes into overdrive - blood is pumped to your muscles to help you run faster etc, all this sudden surge is bound to increase your temperature slightly. Just let the feelings wash over you and they will pass. Just remember, its just a normal bodily reaction in the circumstances. At least we'll be prepared for the menopause when it comes!
All the best!
Fradycat. xx

20-04-06, 20:36
Hi Katyf
I too suffer with hot flushes from time to time and these can lead afterwards to shaking with the cold. It isn't a nice feeling, but not the worst of my symptons. Positive thinking really helps, and now I just log on and feel reassured that I'm not the only one, which helps to bring the symptons under control.
I hope this helps you!
Take care

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

20-04-06, 23:06
Yes I also get hot flushes when I'm anxious, it tends to happen around my chest/neck area and my face feels hot. When I look in the mirror I see lots of red blotches but I know it's just the blood circulating round. After about 5-10 mins it usually subsides.

Sorry to ask but does anyone else get this type of hot flush just after an orgasm [:I]?

21-04-06, 08:21

Man that last post made me giggle dave, cant answer havnt had one for a while---men are off limits....not saying anything else lol lol.
Jack, katy and all others .. this is a very common symptom of anxiety ..i have it all the time , my thoughts were menopause when i first got mine(dont laf jax)...its common guys and really its no cause for alarm , just anthour one of those pleasant symptoms..

ashley x