View Full Version : this might be jumping in a bit fast but desperate

29-05-11, 23:33
I was a social work student 2nd year and have found myself removed from my course

i had no idea how it all happened [well except that i reported bullying in a LA social work department...]

i have got together a letter after i realised that i don't think my tutor shared the complaints i made to her about the bullying with the other staff in the university department.

even if she did tell them, they couldn't be allowed not mention the bullying when i was called to meeting, surely?
surely if they had known, they wouldn't have asked a question like how i would improve my people skills so it didn't happen next time?

it didn't occur to me till later, they might not know...but it makes complete sense of the way what they asked me
when they didn't say anything, i just didn't know what to say...
but i had mentioned my worries in a report i sent before the meeting...

did my tutor have a duty to report my allegations that i was being bullied?
i kind of feel she should have.
Anybody know?

Any way, before i could change my mind, i sent a letter [no names] pretty much saying just what i say above, but in detail.... to the top 3 in the university department including the tutor!
i know it was daft, but god, the release!

I am now torturing myself.
don't care about being sued. ex students don't have much!

no one else has heard my story... does what i'm saying sound like i can't cope with failing or a woman who has a right to feel aggrieved?

it isn't an expert view i need... just to see what someone who isn't me thinks....

22.12 off ill. received voicemail call to attend meeting. drove to meeting.
said need to tell so doesn't happen.... tutor put hand in my face...was told not the time for all that. Removed from placement.

next stage of removal process is a meeting called a sub panel

extract from email:

..it would make more sense if the panel didn't know about the fact I'd been bullied.

But the university could not possibly allow a panel to decide my future without that information? I don't see, in the circumstances how that meeting had enough information to decide my future, especially as I had no one to accompany me.

That's what I want to be checked. Did the panel know I had been bullied?

Either way, I feel really let down. "

and if anyone's got to the bottom of this thankyou for your trouble!

29-05-11, 23:34
Hi its-got-a-name

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

30-05-11, 00:26
its-got-a-name I found myself in a similar situation. I was actually told that my job was dependant on my saying nothing. I was moved to a new post and was horrified when I realised my new managers knew nothing of what happened.

Are you in a Union? Contact them or Citizen's Advice Bureau for free legal advice.

Vanilla Sky
30-05-11, 11:46
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

31-05-11, 00:18
I think that you might be better off out of it! If they can behave like that to you!
Take time out and decide where you want to do with your life.
I'm sure that in time you will see your way forward - maybe a total change in direction. Opening up a whole new future for you!
Good Luck!

31-05-11, 16:10
thanks so much for your for good wishes and advice. just what I needed. its been a hectic few days i'll soon see what's going to happen. hope it all ends up all right. At least I feel positive for the first time in months!
Good luck to us all!