View Full Version : i need to vent my stress or i will go round the twist!

30-05-11, 00:48
Hi everyone,

I feel so stressed at the moment, its just crazy and if i dont release some of it i fear i will go nuts!! :wacko:

I keep waking up, heart pounding, slight sweating and nausea
I "feel pale" but my face is normal colour
Ectopic beats are back
Dropping sensations, like ive suddenly lost an inch in height, or if im sitting on the couch its like ive sunk into it - sounds ridiculous i know!!!!!
Internal trembling
Occasional adreneline rushes.
Random lightheadness
Ive resumed checking my pulse all the time and i feel the urge to check my bp all the time creeping back too

I constantly feel tense, stressed and scared, and on alert, waiting for the next thing or symptom to kick off.
Its just passed the 3rd anniversary of my mums death
I cant sleep unless the tv is on in the background
My tax credits have been halved
I HATE my job - i drive for city link, the job is just to strenuous for me anymore and quite frankly dangerous with the ****s on the road these days.I live in a small town where jobs are like gold dust and i just cant find something suitable
My family expect me to run around them all the time and im always putting myself out for others, yet just cant get any support back
Im very overweight and so ashamed of it, i just cant loose weight, its disgusting
Ive developed phobias of doctors and medications
I have suddenly turned very superstitious!!
My gran, 77 has been very ill this last year, im so worried about her
My ex husband continues to try and off load his debt onto me, and refuses to awknoledge his children or pay maintenence. He "borrowed" money from my gran and then left town and moved in with some woman he met on the internet!! He man was an alcoholic bully and put me through so much i really dont know how i got through it. His name just instantly makes my blood pressure rise!!

I turn 40 this November :weep:

AND there is a HUGE spider in the kitchen!!!!



30-05-11, 12:29
Hi everyone,

I feel so stressed at the moment, its just crazy and if i dont release some of it i fear i will go nuts!! :wacko:

I keep waking up, heart pounding, slight sweating and nausea
I "feel pale" but my face is normal colour
Ectopic beats are back
Dropping sensations, like ive suddenly lost an inch in height, or if im sitting on the couch its like ive sunk into it - sounds ridiculous i know!!!!!
Internal trembling
Occasional adreneline rushes.
Random lightheadness
Ive resumed checking my pulse all the time and i feel the urge to check my bp all the time creeping back too

I constantly feel tense, stressed and scared, and on alert, waiting for the next thing or symptom to kick off.
Its just passed the 3rd anniversary of my mums death
I cant sleep unless the tv is on in the background
My tax credits have been halved
I HATE my job - i drive for city link, the job is just to strenuous for me anymore and quite frankly dangerous with the ****s on the road these days.I live in a small town where jobs are like gold dust and i just cant find something suitable
My family expect me to run around them all the time and im always putting myself out for others, yet just cant get any support back
Im very overweight and so ashamed of it, i just cant loose weight, its disgusting
Ive developed phobias of doctors and medications
I have suddenly turned very superstitious!!
My gran, 77 has been very ill this last year, im so worried about her
My ex husband continues to try and off load his debt onto me, and refuses to awknoledge his children or pay maintenence. He "borrowed" money from my gran and then left town and moved in with some woman he met on the internet!! He man was an alcoholic bully and put me through so much i really dont know how i got through it. His name just instantly makes my blood pressure rise!!

I turn 40 this November :weep:

AND there is a HUGE spider in the kitchen!!!!



Hello Lindajane

I have very similar experiences to You, i.e stressed and the alert constantly, i often feel a need to keep checking my pulse, I worry about high blood pressure, i get etopic beats, its hard to relax, I need to lose weight, scared of medication. Its horrible I know. Work is hard for me as well. You are not alone. Do You take anything for anxiety?:)

30-05-11, 23:38
Hello James, thanks for reading my rant!!!!

No I don't take anything, I wish I could but I'm terrified of possible side effects.
Doctor keeps trying me with anti d's but I know its not depression giving me anxiety, I'm distressed as I've got anxiety if that makes sense?!
They also tried me to take half inderal la tablets but i freaked out at the thought of side effects and the box remains unopened since February!!
All I've managed to use is rescue remedy spray, dont do much but it's the only thing without side effects!!!
I feel such a baby!!!

Do you take anything???

31-05-11, 22:23
I quit my job today

01-06-11, 17:25
I quit my job today

Sorry to hear that you've quit your job. I hope You are alright. It is very very hard to cope I know. Once you develop fears about things it is very difficult to get your mind round it. I can appreciate your fears of the side effects of tablets etc they can sometimes be worse than what you are taking them for. My trouble is that halfway through a course of tablets i just give taking them. the last lot i thought might be causing palpitations but i can not be sure. so i have been to the Dr's today and he is sending me to have an ECG done plus a blood test to see if i Have anything wrong with me.:unsure:

01-06-11, 23:19
Hi James,
Thnx for the message!
My last day is Friday, i am so relieved!!! I know i will struggle with money for a wee while but the knowledge that i wont have to stress about that job anymore has lifted a great weight from my shoulders..............pity it is just my shoulders and not the rest of my body haha but hey ho never mind!!
Hope you get on ok with your tests :) your braver than me, i never get the packet of pills open never mind get half way through them!! Im a big baby!!!!

05-06-11, 22:07
Hi James,
Thnx for the message!
My last day is Friday, i am so relieved!!! I know i will struggle with money for a wee while but the knowledge that i wont have to stress about that job anymore has lifted a great weight from my shoulders..............pity it is just my shoulders and not the rest of my body haha but hey ho never mind!!
Hope you get on ok with your tests :) your braver than me, i never get the packet of pills open never mind get half way through them!! Im a big baby!!!!

Hello Lindajane

Thanks for your reply. My ECG was ok, just got a blood test tuesday.
I hope your alright i am glad you feel a bit less stressed with not having to worry about work:) you're gonna be ok.

05-06-11, 22:48
Hi James,

I feel ok at the moment, im so glad i dont have to go to work tomorrow!! I think the stress of the last week is finally coming to an end!!
I seen a new doctor on Friday and i was really uncomfortable with it as my other doctor knew all my probs well and i didnt like it at all - however - she gave me propranolol 10mg tablets and told me to take them on a "as i need them" basis and i do believe i am going to give them a try this time!!
Unfortunately i have to wait for one of the dreaded night panics to strike before i take one which im not looking forward to!!!
