View Full Version : Pill Fears

30-05-11, 11:53
Hi everyone.

I went to my nurse about a month ago and she scared the living daylights out of me. I had been on Microgynon 30 for 19 years and she told me it causes women to be at a higher rish of strokes. Naturally I asked her to change my pill to a new one.

She changed me over to Cerazette. I know nothing of this pill. I know its a lot safer but thats about it. The problem is, I have medicine anxiety. Im terrified of having adverse reactions. Ive just taken my first tablet and im already freaked out. I have had slight cold tingling throughout my body for about a week, and after having taken the first pill, it immediately feels worse and my HA is telling me its because its doing something bad, though it could just be anxiety. I really need some reassurance here.

Can anyone help me?

30-05-11, 15:41
I went on cerazette and it was great, came off, had a baby, went back on 3 weeks ago and bled non stop so i've come off it. I think it can have a few more noticeable side effects than microgynon, but all in all it is pretty safe. It's just a pain in backside.

Natalie x
30-05-11, 21:40
Hi there. I am in the exact same position as you. I have been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years and i am too scared to go on the pill due to all the possible side effects. Also i had to get check for clotting as my mum had a blood clot after i was born, but they all came back clear. I am too worried to start it as i am scared of blood clots and all the other side effects incase something happens. I just wish i could put my anxieties aside and start the pill! You are not alone :) x