View Full Version : Panic Disorder

30-05-11, 14:25
Hi all My names Nicola I'm 32 years old. I have been suffering from panic disorder for just over 4 years now.
I'm still trying to find a solution.

I had been to my doctor many a times and was told there is nothing wrong with me. Then things started to get worse so I went back. I was put on citalopram, but after taking only two doses I stopped taking them as I had really bad tremmors hot and cold flushes I was being sick and crying it was awful I actually thought I was going to die.

I went back to the doctors and was refered to my local mental health services
I went to a workshop for understanding Panic Disorder. Which took place over 3 sessions. It was run by High intensity CBT Therapists. A month after the sessions they were going to contact us to see how we were getting on and what the next step would be.
I was called a few times but was unable to answer the calls as I was at work ( luckily i'm still able to work). I tried calling back but was unable to speak to the person I needed to speak to as they were unavailable. I have left messages for them to contact me but have got nothing. I now feel they have given up on me.
So now I am left to work it out on my own.

I was looking at the CBT4panic there doesnt seem to be many posts on it.
I am interested in looking into something I can use online and go at my own pace. Nothing expensive though :blush:

30-05-11, 14:30
Hi nicolastar

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

30-05-11, 15:27
How are you getting on with this? Have you heard from them? HOw are you feeling now?

26-06-11, 18:20
Hey I havent heard from anyone I think the mental Health service has forgotten about me. So i'm trying to do this on my own. it's not easy.

27-06-11, 11:54
I am waiting for CBT - did you find that it helped you (I know you only had 3 sessions but still?)