View Full Version : Anxiety throughout the day

30-05-11, 19:22
Hello. I just wanted to ask if anybody has experienced similer side effects whilst taking Citalopram. I have been taking 20mgs for just over two weeks this is after taking 10mgs for a month. My days are filled with anxiety and depression and fears of the future. During the evening i tend to relax more and even experience a mild euphoria? I suspect this is due to the fact i'm going to bed soon. Sleep provides some kind of relief. Has anybody had this day of anxiety evening of light relief kind of thing?

30-05-11, 20:54
Give the citalopram 6 weeks. Yes I know what you mean about the bed thing, its like an escape when you go to sleep and you look forward to escaping the anxiety. I usually look forward to the night as an acomplishment and if I'vehad a bad day I make the next day a fresh start. You evenings are your success :yesyes:

31-05-11, 20:15
I have experienced this too. I used to get very tense in the days thinking about all the 'what if's' and at night I started to relax and look forward to going to bed. It still happens from time to time, but now the drugs (Prozac) are kicking in I focus less on the negative.

In time, I'm sure you will too. Take care.