View Full Version : Anyone doing CBT?

30-05-11, 19:31
Hi there

I'm currently nearing the end of my CBT treatment for health anxiety which has helped but I'm struggling with understanding exposure and how it can help me. For example, if I look at a lost of Multiple Sclorosis symptoms, surely that will just give me a lot more to be anxious about and "symptoms" to look out for. I don't see how that can help because it will make me a lot more anxious.

Can anyone help explain this to me? Would appreciate your time!

Thank you!


30-05-11, 20:52
Hi Faye, I've just had a course of 4 cbt sessions. My anxiety wasn't particularly bad at the time & I found myself talking about lack of self-esteem mainly, instead of my health anxiety (which is rearing its ugly head again at present.)
The therapy was helpful, but no mention was made of exposure.
Basically I was told 'If you want to change the way you feel, then you must change the way you're thinking.' (perhaps in a slightly less blunt manner!)
I know this makes sense, but it's sure hard to do when you're in the grips of this!
My issues are often to do with my heart & I feel that googling this would probably make things worse.
Are you going ahead with this?
Take care x

macc noodle
30-05-11, 23:49

I think that the point of looking at the list of symptoms of an illness for someone suffering HA and undergoing CBT is to consider your response to that list, as opposed to someone who does not suffer HA.

So, say for example, you read the list and felt that you had some of the symptoms what would your response be as opposed to someone without HA who would think nothing of it?

CBT is all about understanding and altering your response to situations which creates the HA.

I am currently undertaking a course of CBT and I think that it is very hard to get to grips with because I feel that I have no control over my response to fear of illness and the panic it creates inside me BUT we do and we can control our responses with the aid of the strategies on offer.

I have great optimism and hope that CBT will help me in the long term and therefore although I may question what I am being asked to do, I shall do it and see where we progress to.

Good luck !:D