View Full Version : new member

30-05-11, 20:22
Hi I am a new member and wanna write that the Docs do not always get it right!

After many years suffering what i thought was job stress I had my first attack-and ignored it.
Then came another and another. I hit the bottle and started to do crazy things.
I was eventually diagnosed with Bi Polar disorder but for years my docs ignored and never treated my anxiety!

despite spells in hospital and a lot of expense anxiety was not diagnosed.

Only after I read and looked up on the net did I decide to front-up the clinicians and sort-out my situation.

I know I suffer from GAD and am now finally getting the support I need.

This website is new to me but I think it is a fantastic tool which I will use and contribute to and, hopefully, all will benefit-no least me.

30-05-11, 20:24
Hi dreamer100

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-05-11, 22:04
hi all, im a new member here. i just moved into a new apartment, june 9th 2011 will be a month. my neighbors want me to go to a free dinner outting, but i cant be around groups of people :( any advice would be of help if anyones got some, thanks :)

31-05-11, 00:04
Glad that you are now getting the help that you need Dreamer100.
Purpleraindrops - maybe you could make friends with one or two of your neighbours, then you can talk to them at the dinner, and it won't feel so daunting!

Deepest Blue
31-05-11, 00:24
Hi Dreamer & Purpleraindrops, welcoming you both to the forum, I hope you find the help and advice you need.

Purpledraindrops, I can totally appreciate how you feel, I think bringing someone with you (if you can) is a good idea. In addition maybe you can ask them to postpone it for a while so that you get to know them better so to feel more comfortable with them.

Hope it works out.

31-05-11, 03:09
thanks ill try that :)

31-05-11, 06:12
If you feel you can build yourself up to go then do so-after all what is the worse that could happen?

Before you go, go thro your routine/ a new routinue ivz:

aromatherapy bath/ shower
new or clean clothes
make yourself look good

most importantly, sit for a moment and visualise yourself at dinner having a good time. The key to new meetings is: be interested not necessarily interesting. Simply, think of a few topics you could discuss with yr new friends prior to going. You will find some common ground-music, hobbies, etc.

Good luck and i hope you go.

It will benefit you

[a stranger is a friend I just have not met yet[/QUOTE]

31-05-11, 14:30
wow alot of really good advice here, thanks lots :) :)