View Full Version : can't eat and worried

30-05-11, 21:18
I am having trouble eating anything, I am getting told off a lot, but just can't seem to feel hungry, what do you eat if you dont feel hungry? it is stress that is causing it, I can drink but cant eat much at all. Anyone with any ideas? I would be grateful cos my family is really getting on at me. I have only eaten a couple of spoons of cereal today, and it is gone 9 pm now. what can I do?

30-05-11, 22:11
Hi Carole,

sorry your not having great time, have you tried some soup, have it in a cup/mug, at least then you would have had something. Hope you find something you can eat. :hugs:


30-05-11, 22:39
thank you Yvonne, I havent tried soup yet, but putting it in a mug might just help, I havent eaten much for a couple of weeks now, but tomorrow is another day, and I will try some soup, I just dont feel hungry, that is more worrying, and I am losing too much weight now, and i have my sister coming to stay next month and she will go mad at me, and that just increases the stress levels. vicious circle !

paula lynne
31-05-11, 00:07
Hi Carole x
Im sorry youve lost your appetite. What started that do you think?
As you know, food is an important factor in brain and body function, so you need to increase your intake. Soup and toast is excellent, as Yvonne suggested. Try to eat little and often, even if you dont have the hunger pangs. You can get a calorie rich shake from the chemist to sip to help increase your intake til your appetite returns. Obviously, if this continues, its important to see your Gp to find out why you have no appetite. Hope you feel better soon. x

31-05-11, 00:16
Hi, I agree with the other posts. Sometimes when we're feeling 'off' we either eat loads or we eat little. I'm one of those that eat 'little' at those times...no appetite. But I will eat toast or drink healthy juice 'cos I know my body needs it. Take care...by the way I have loads of yoghurt and bannanas in reserve for those days/weeks. xx

31-05-11, 07:11
i no what you mean by no appetite when my anxiety is playing up i just go off food all together could last hours even days well now i just make myself eat i no easier said than done but i used to just not eat for days on end when i never felt hungry then my body got used to not feeling hungry but i had to retrain it so even now when am anxious or just not feeling hungry i still make sure i eat i usually eat at about 8am 12pm and 4pm or so on it just keeps you from starving even though we dont feel we are hungry you no we still need to eat xx

Granny Primark
31-05-11, 08:05
I completely lose my appetite when im stressed. Ive gone weeks without eating. Just the smell of food make me feel sick and if my hubbys eating i have to go upstairs out of the way.
My hubby was actually crying earlier this year cus he was so worried about me.
What I did is to buy some complan. You can get different flavours. You just mix it with milk. I loved the banana flavour.
My appetites back now but I know the minute I get stressed il lose it again so I always keep complan in the cupboard.
Hope this helps.

31-05-11, 09:54
im having the same problem since my panic has been set off again.... struggled to even eat a bar of chocolate yesterday :( The problem is im feeling hungry also getting light headed cause im hungry but the thought of eating is making me feel sick :( I know if I was to eat something I would feel a bit calmer cause the light headed would go (my panic is passing out!) but I just cant bring myself too. My partner has been buying me things I would normally love (burger king for example!) and I stuggled to eat it :( xx