View Full Version : rollercoaster 15 times in one day and banging head a lot.

30-05-11, 21:44
Im addicted to rollercoasters and ever since i had health anxiety i was fine with them BUT i banged my head so many times so hard againist the bars and restrains in all directions whilst going 80mph so very worried. I feel more dizzy then ive ever felt in my life time and i really dont feel good. got bad muscle pain and weird head feelings. at the moment on top of my head feels so funny- its different from anything ive ever felt before and its scary

30-05-11, 21:45
i told my mum and she just shouted- so i would ring nhs direct but im scared out my mind

30-05-11, 21:48
im in tears at how bad i feel and really scared about what happened to natasha when she was skiing. i cant take it anymore, i was enoying it whilst i was there but would hit my head everytime

30-05-11, 22:02
it was also going 80mph and tbh i must have hit it at least 20 times

30-05-11, 22:10
all i want to do is sleep, i ache im teary and im tired but im to scared

30-05-11, 22:21
i also feel acid feeling in my throat

30-05-11, 22:30
i dont see how anyone can survive it. got the feeling again in back of head to one side

30-05-11, 22:38
I don't really go on rollercoasters but I'd imagine that out of everyone who does, you wouldn't be the only one who has banged their head whilst going round. Obviously I'm not a doctor but people have all kinds of little bumps on their heads from day to day and the majority of the time it comes to nothing (I sometimes bang my head getting in or out of the car for instance).

Why don't you try having a nice relaxing bath - that should help if you're achy. I'm sure your head will get better soon - rollercoasters wouldn't be allowed if they were dangerous and like I said, you won't be the first to have bumped their head. You've told your mum so I'm sure she'll keep an eye on you.

30-05-11, 22:41
Thank you. Had a bath and really tried to breath and calm down but it didnt happen. i went round 15 times and each time bashed it everywere so many times. I told my mum but she shouted. I used to love rollercoasters but not im scared for life. :(. something i enjoyed i cant do anymore. im scared ill have delayed bleeding to the brain. this ride was 0 to 80mph in less that two seconds and 205ft tall. i cant see or phone a doc until thursday. got a weird feeling just now at back of head which spread all over back of head. argh. eyes feel like there going funny to

30-05-11, 22:48
Just keep telling yourself how many people go on rides like that and are fine. There's no reason why you won't be too. Really try not to let it put you off them if you love them that much.
The speed and height will be fine - rollercoasters have to go through all kinds of safety tests before they can be opened to the public.

Some of your symptoms are possibly down to anxiety. If you've been hyperventilating then that can cause all kinds of things which are horrible but won't harm you.

Have you got something you can distract yourself with like a film or a book?

30-05-11, 23:24
hiya. i knew i hit my head as i tensed on the rides. i banged it about 20 times. trying to ditract my self, isnt working to well

30-05-11, 23:37
my biggest fear is if i throw up not knowing it its because of my head or not. also if i collaspe one day or die.

macc noodle
30-05-11, 23:40

Hope you feeling better now? I hate rollercoasters!!!! so once would have been enough for me :)

Please look back at some of your old posts and the worries you have over your head and banging it all the time. Your day of fun has just reignited your anxiety and this is why you are so tense now and so concerned about your head . you will be fine - the feeling will pass.

Try to relax and get some sleep and in the morning you will be feeling much better.


30-05-11, 23:46
Hiya. yer a bit. we had fast track so we could as many times as possible. i love them and still do but i cant beleive how many times and how hard i hit it haha. thank you. just hope i dont throw up

macc noodle
30-05-11, 23:53
You would have thrown up by now I guess? (if you were going to)

You will be fine - why not go and have a chat with the youngsters in the chat room now and see if that distracts you?


30-05-11, 23:56
Yup. I guess so and if i do its probs cause all day i had acid in throat to. getting weird feelings in head. the worst one is round the side were i whacked it hard twice at 80mph, i wasnt the only one my friend did to but he didnt notice it as much as he wasnt worried about it BUT i did have a really good day :D and thouroughly enjoyed it. well i must have to have kept going on them even though i knew i would end up like this.
just got a weird painful tingle above eyebrow, now a feeling there that i cant describe.
anyway soon going to try and sleep. i got so soaked that when i came home and took my socks of my feet were all white and wrinkly and are still cold now and im still shivering a bit.

31-05-11, 00:03
i also feel very dizzy and can not sleep

31-05-11, 00:05
is it all tiredness and axniety or am i really ill :S.

31-05-11, 00:19
i know theres not much more people can say but i just need to know ill wake up tommorow

paula lynne
31-05-11, 08:22
Morning Emma, how are you? :)
Paula x

31-05-11, 12:38
Im OK actually. very achy and in pain so i took a painkiller. back kills, shoulder kills etc. i already had muscle pain before the day so thats made it a hell of a lot worse. my head well i just got a weird feeling were i hit it but no real headache etc.
the last thing is ive kinda lost my voice

31-05-11, 13:47
weird feeling onto of forehead now and ontop of head. dont know how to describe it really.

31-05-11, 13:52
also when i stood up just now i got a headache kinda feeling in head. my parents also said how tired i look today "bloody hell" my dad said to me. my eyes feel funny to.

31-05-11, 16:04
cant shake the thought that my brain will start bleeding

31-05-11, 16:29
at the moment i feel very very sick, almost like i want to go lie down and sleep for days. i keep closing my eyes to and then suddenly opening them. also my dad is the only in this evening and his not very understanding about it at all

31-05-11, 17:25
i really feel very ill and tired and can only manage two slice of toast today and feel sick. is this anxiety mixed with the fact i had a long day yesertday and went on about 50 massive rides or is it cause i bashed my head so many times

31-05-11, 18:19
Try to eat some more, as that'll make you feel worse. Have some fruit or yoghurt - something light. And make sure you drink plenty, as lack of food and drink can give you a headache too. Anxiety is tiring and you won't have any energy if you haven't eaten much. I really think you'll be okay, anxiety can cause all of these symptoms.

31-05-11, 18:31
By the way are you getting any help for your anxiety?

31-05-11, 18:47
Hi. Going to eat dinner soon. Just got a feeling in left eye were it fluttered close for a second and i couldnt see out of it. It feels funny now
I am having counessling BUT have to wait for an app which has been 2 months already.

31-05-11, 20:21
one more thing is i had banged forhead two days before with a hairdryer twice. very very worried about sleeping and dont want to be on my own. and i was just brushing the knots out my hair when i tugged really hard and a photo swayed on the wall but it didnt i just saw it

31-05-11, 23:32
i also just vomited in my mouth but i have been burping a bit

01-06-11, 14:30
today im ver out of it still and in lots of pain. also i noticed when i was on the rides my nose would run and i suffer from sinus pressure- so worried it has spread to brain grr

01-06-11, 15:33
also keep getting this pain at the top of head at one side and this weird feelings at side of head above ears were i hit it. and a weird feeling at back of head on one side. also last night i felt a sore bit on my head and when i layed down it felt sore and sometimes when i stand up i get a headache feeling

01-06-11, 17:00
i think its sore were the pain in on top of my head. im going frantic with worry. you can see in the photo from the ride i had my head foreward trying to protect my selve. im scared. the pain on that spot comes and goes.

01-06-11, 17:20
i also feel like im talking husky and have lost my voice kinda. :(

01-06-11, 17:26
last thing is, i just tried eating dinner and i just cant. i struggled to move outta bed today and im now back in bed with my laptop

01-06-11, 18:11
i think tommorow im gonna get down the docs and ask about this and help for my anxiety ie medication as im just not coping anymore on my own anymore. its really sore to touch on one side of head were the pain is

01-06-11, 18:13
and i think i can feel a lump there

macc noodle
01-06-11, 18:15
Has it entered your head that the pain and tenderness could be sinus related - especially if you have got cold in your head?

If you had a bleed - you would be in trouble by now since days have passed.

Go and see your doc. and tell them your fears.


01-06-11, 19:14
I just wanted to say you are not alone, I frantically worry about these things to, ive got lumps all over the top of my head which are painful, i get random pains in my head all over the place and im sure ive got some kind of bleed to the brain or something life threatening.

I get scared about just dropping dead at some point or sleeping and things. I recommened going to your doctors and telling them EVERYTHING you have just said on here, you can ask whether its possible for these things to happen, and they will explain to you about it. I would also say to them that your councilling is urgent, mine took about 6 months to come through and that was my dad hurrying them along. So please please ask them to hurry that along if you feel that you need it now.

I hope everything works out for you and you feel better, i know how hard it is for you. I get this to, every symptom you describe i get.

Hope this has helped you, best wishes xx

02-06-11, 10:57
thanks guys, i just woke up late and theres no apps. at the docs and tommorow there only doing a morning surgery and already said there is an apps. damn me not hearing my alarm

02-06-11, 11:29
last thing im worried over is my husky voice and how it feels like ive half lost it

02-06-11, 17:16
i just went out for a few hours come home and now im ready to sleep- im so exhasuted and yawning every two seconds. this morning my body hurt so much i couldnt even lift my arms and get out of bed. im in pain and i ache and i can barely eat or drink and have no appetite

02-06-11, 20:02
thanks. i think that to ontop of the tension from the anxiety. now i have a pain above my mouth on the ridge just inside and it hurts to eat.

03-06-11, 13:10
today i keep yawning and im exhasuted. i feel mucus in throat and my sinuses hurt a little. i havnt moved out of bed yet

04-06-11, 00:09
im always tired to the point were im yawaning all the time. i woke in so much muscle pain this morning i was crying :(
also my sinuses are bothering me/ it hurts to press around nose and sometimes i get an itchiness in an ear for a few seconds. i also get pain above eyebrow and stinging there and severe dizzines. scared i have an infection.