View Full Version : Constant need to urinate/abdominal pain

31-05-11, 00:00
This seems to come and go an lasts around a week but recently it seems to be all he time (I might get a day or 2 off)

I hae the urge to urinate CONSTANTLY andthen when I acually go to hardley anything comes out dribbles or a very weak flow. Also got quite bad abdominal pain and lower back pain that seems to be worse when sitting down plus shooting pains and general discomfort

aswell as this I have lightheadedness and dizzy spells but not sobad when I have this pain downstairs

It's strange I never have a 'normal' day i'm either dizzy and chest/shooting pains or this stomach/urinating probem

has anyone else had this?

I'm male 23 yeas old.

08-11-11, 20:14
Hi, did you ever have this diagnosed? I am getting similar symptoms.

08-11-11, 22:39
sounds like a kidney/ureter infection or maybe an std... i'd get it checked. be sorted quickly with anti b's most probably

09-11-11, 22:37
I had this 2 years ago and still get episodes of it. My stomach now bloats like I'm pregnant and makes terrible noises. The pain I had was just to the right of my tummy button and lower back pain. I felt very Ill with it too. All tests were negative though in Feb I paid to have an abdominal scan which found a very large cyst on my right kidney measuring 6.5 cms x 6.7 x 5.2. I was told by someone in the medical field that this is probably causing the problems though my dr disagrees. I have changed my dr and the new guy wants to start from scratch so fingers crossed. Forgot to mention that I was passing occult blood when the symptoms started. I'm told this was probably from the cyst. I be interested to know if you get a diagnosis.