View Full Version : falling asleep

jaded jean
31-05-11, 06:21
I have been on citalopram for about 13 months now. I have started having periods of what I call anaesthetic sleep as i comes on suddenly -not while I am driving mind . Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this:ohmy:

31-05-11, 08:27
I have periods where i become overwhelmingly fatigued and i can go into what feels like a drug induced sleep and struggle to wake up...I dont tend to associate it with the citalopram tho, i always put it down to blood sugar levels,fluctuating hormones etc..

jaded jean
31-05-11, 15:54
Hi Hopeless.
OOOOO does this mean I can carry on eating my jelly dinosaurs then????:D

31-05-11, 16:21
You go girl and dont forget the Ben and Jerrys..

31-05-11, 16:51
I am same, I thought it was my age,but maybe meds.
I like watching the soaps on tv from 7pm, but vary rarely see them.:blush:
Oh well as long as we are in our own homes.:yesyes:

jaded jean
31-05-11, 17:37
Magic I can understand what you mean hun its a bit scary I wonder if this is what sleeping sickness is if you were bitten by the Tse Tse fly lol. But mine only happens once in a while probably when I am having a blip I couldnt tell if I am having one now as had so much going on .
So as you said as long as we are only driving out armchair/settee thats all good.:doh: