View Full Version : times to come home

31-05-11, 07:04
So my holiday has now come to an end :weep: Ibiza has been fab and glad i came had a few anxious days but as ive been told not many peple who suffer panic/ anxiety attacks would even board a plane so well done to me lol
I´ve even been eating well since i have been here gonna get weighed when i get home hopefully i have put a bit more weight back on :) but then its back to reality, house cleaning, cooking etc....
Am just looking forward to seeing my kids after this long week. just waiting for are taxi now to take us the airport and board are flight at 10am uk time home around about 12.30pm then have to go get some shopping before my kids come home
so yes after all that anxiety about coming here i did well had a few anxious days but dont we all?
one thing for sure is bein here my stomach has settled alot of you read any of my old posts its all about my stomach / symptoms etc but this past week i havent had any problems and hope it stays that way (touchwood) i must have been doing something right while i have been here i guess its the weather as the sun is out i find it makes me feel alot better x

speak soon x x

paula lynne
31-05-11, 08:24
So glad you had a great time on holiday. Lets hope the sun comes out and stays out here now!....TC.x:D

31-05-11, 14:44
Well done
I told you that you could do it
Let it continue know that you are back home


Eva May
31-05-11, 21:51
Oh my god well done! I am so proud (and jealous) :D I can't even get anywhere near the airport so really well done :yesyes:

macc noodle
31-05-11, 23:49
Well done HoneyPie,

Hope you had a safe journey home (and remembered to pack the sun for us all) and that the good feelings and positive vibes continue .................
