View Full Version : Hello

31-05-11, 09:58
I am new to this site and wanted to introduce myself. I am hoping for some advice regarding depression. Recently i started on a course of citalopram and am concerned about the side affects. All day i suffer with high anxiety. In the evening this eases somewhat and sometimes turns into a slight euphoria. I am frightened of the future and of being on my own. This is obviously a symptom of depression - will this go? I am concerned i wont get a life back?

31-05-11, 10:00
Hi Sole

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
31-05-11, 22:53
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

01-06-11, 03:20
Hi Sole

Just come out of depression myself. Anti-depressants often do cause increased anxiety in the begining, but this usually wears off along with any other side effects as your body gets used to the drug. I had pretty awful side effects on Sertraline (a similar anti-depressant) at the start, these wore off after four weeks and I felt so much better generally after five weeks. It is really worth sticking with it if you can, as it often is really worth it in the end.

Being fearful of the future is common in depression. I found all these kind of thoughts lessened as my mood improved, so don't worry that you will always feel like you do now, you won't. It is tough waiting for the anti-depressants to work though, but you just have to remember that it will improve and if Citalopram doesn't work for you, they will persevere to find something that will.

Life will get better, but it usually takes time. There is plenty of support on here though.
