View Full Version : Side effects

31-05-11, 10:10
Recently i started taking citalopram. 10mgs for at first for a month. Have now increased the dose to 20mgs and have be taking this for 16 days. All day i experience high anxiety; this eases somewhat by the evening and sometimes turns into a mild euphoria. I feel as though i have a little more head space but i dont really feel any better. I suffer from a terrible fear of being alone and fear the future. Can anybody offer some advice/wordszof wisdom on this matter?

31-05-11, 11:28
It has really taken 3 months and an increase to 30mg before I really started to feel the benefits. This is a slow acting drug keep positive and it will help you eventually.

31-05-11, 11:56
Hi Sole
I can relate to what you are saying 100% I am beginning to hate the daytime, I wish it away all day, and this is because I know in the evening I will feel better. And like you I fear the future. I know I shouldn't but the anxiety is so bad that it takes over my thoughts. I do breathing to help, and try and take my mind off it by doing something I can immerse myself in, whether it is a film or playing games on my pc or just watching the tv. I wish you well, take care

Lion King
31-05-11, 18:09
Hi Sole,

It took me upto 3 months before Citalopram kicked in, during that time I started at 10mg for 2 weeks, then 20mg for 6 weeks, then 30mg for 4 weeks, then 40mg where I stabilised my anxiety. Its a rough ride but worth it in the end, I think I became more anxious waiting for the effects to kick in than the actual suffering!

Stick with it, it gets easier!