View Full Version : Worried - lymph nodes.

31-05-11, 10:23

A few years ago I noticed a swollen lymph node in my neck. I went to the doctor in a panic and I had an u/s which showed a few swollen nodes, but nothing else.

My doctor wasn't worried and that was the end of that.

The last few days I have been worried about a roll at the back of my neck that I have had also for some time. I googled it (yes I know!) and it said it could be swollen lymph nodes. Panic time.

Then, I just had a brain snap and realised that my groin is a little sore on the same side of my swollen neck lymph node (which is still swollen a few years later). Whilst I can't feel anything obviously swollen, it is still sore and tender and has been for a while.

I am in a panic now - I hate this :( Just when I think I have kicked the health anxiety, bang it is back again.

I have convinced myself in a very short amount of time that I have some form of cancer :(:lac:

31-05-11, 12:07
Anyone?? :( Sorry going mad with worry here.

31-05-11, 14:45
I'm worried at the moment too because I have swollen lymph nodes and petechiae so I've convinced myself I've got lymphoma, but loads of people have the same symptoms as us, and we can't ALL have cancer, right? Go back to the Doctor and explain your worries and put your mind at rest. I know it's hard but I always find seeing the Doctor helps. It's just reassuring. I have a friend who has had swollen lymph nodes for 4 years. He did have a bad cold, but the lymph nodes just stayed swollen since. This often happens. Sometimes they swell for no reason, like if your immune system is really good, maybe it's working too hard so your lymph nodes are swelling. x

31-05-11, 16:24
Hi hun

your not alone. i am very worried aswell as i have swollen neck lymph nodes, red pin prick dots and a re-occuring low grade fever. I have seen all the docs at my surgery and they have told me all is fine. I have had many blood tests in the last year and all come back clear. They say my lymph nodes are from impacted wisdom teeth (having them out now) but im not convienced. i am a nervous wreck as my dad died of lukeamia and i have two young children (4 and 8months) im convienced i have cancer.. just want to send you massive hugs xxx

01-06-11, 07:57
Now I have a few sores in my mouth - a sign of lymphoma :((((

01-06-11, 11:03
Maybe the sores were there before and they are actually causing the lymph nodes to swell. I've suffered from canker sores/mouth ulcers all my life. x

01-06-11, 14:07
Mouth sores are not a sign of lymphoma. The only association with lymphoma that they have is through chemotherapy - one of the chemotherapeutic agents can cause mouth sores.

04-06-11, 10:15
i have really bad HA at the moment and i'm worried i have lymphoma. so much so i have found small lipomas in my chest and i'm convinced i'm dying. i've hit a new low and have even suspected bones of being swollen lymph nodes due to lymphoma. Don't worry the doctor has said that you are fine. the groin sorness could be due to uncomfortable underwear or a spot or skin irritation, if there was a swollen lymph node you would feel it, and also if it hurts then even if there is a lymph node i dosnt matter as painful lymph nodes arn't usually lymphoma. My problem is i went on a diet a year or so ago and can now feel more lumpy things which i am sure have always been there its just i'm paranoid. i just need to stop checking, but doing that is so hard. My HA was started when i looked up what a red mark on my skin could be, even though i have had it for years! i then discovered it could be leukemia but i didn't have any of the symptoms so i checked my lymph nodes in my neck and they were fine and then became swollen, because of the poking and the fact that i had the flu coming on. and then i discovered it could be lymphoma if my lymph node remained swollen and know i have to keep cheking, now the jugular lymph node has swollen because of hayfever and an erupting tooth and i'm worried it's lymphom which i know is really silly as i'm only eighteen, it moves is rubbery, like a normal reactive node and is only about 1.5cm and it is a sausage shape which is good as i have read in several gernals that being longer than wide make it 97% certain it's not lymphoma. with all of the other reasons aswell i'm trying to convince myself i'm fine. my identical twin brother has the same node and it is the same size and texture so i'm even more certain i'm fine but sometimes i keep relapsing and worrying. you are not alone nor am i you are fine if your doctor has said so, trust him and try and move on with your life which i know is easier said than done, you will get over HA as will we all, best of luck and writing this has really helped.:):roflmao:

04-06-11, 10:18
Keep your mind active and obsess about something else! like me i have found a new hobby of cine projector stuff and it has helped no end. at least if you're obssesed about something else you're not worried you're going to die

04-06-11, 18:32
Hello, reading your post stephen is good to know another person has swollen nodes but I'm now worried as when I bend my chin down my node is moveable along my jaw but it's not long it's hard n marble shape both docs said it felt normal but I'm soo worried it hurt for a week but hasnt Hurt since x