View Full Version : Constantly nervous & anxious & covering it up

31-05-11, 12:09

I am new to this site but really I am at the end of my tether with trying to cope on a daily basis with my constant feelings of twisted nerves in my stomach, bad thoughts and problems getting to sleep. I just don’t know what to do or what can help me anymore.

I managed to bring myself off any meds a few years back and had CBT before that which didn’t do much for me (which may have been my fault). It’s so bad that I can hardly remember a time where I don’t have this feeling of dread and twisted tummy of nerves. It’s not all the time but its lots of the time and is getting worse, every day for hours at a time. On top of this I have bad thoughts about stuff and imagine things I don’t want to imagine and then worry about that too. I don’t want to go back to where I was before but I do feel myself slipping a bit at times and I’m so used to handling these feelings daily now that is normal but I don’t want to have to put up with it all the time.

This gets me so down, sometimes all I can do is switch off every thought and emotion and I just sit there like a zombie thinking nothing or doing nothing. It makes my girlfriend so sad and it’s so hard for her.

I know this is fragmented at best but it’s hard to say what I want to say….

31-05-11, 13:34
hi, and welcome to the site. i'm pretty new here too. i found this site whilst i was doing my daily "google" searches on the never ending list of symptoms i get due to my anxiety/panic... can i just say first off, you are not alone! we are all in the same boat here and i can sympathise with you greatly! these past few weeks for me have been utter hell, the worse anxiety/panic-attacks/fear i have ever had.

lwhat you need to-do is make an appointment with your doctor! this will get the ball rolling and the much needed support you need in these dark times! i dont know if you have ever had CBT, but my doctor has given me a number for a therapist that specialises in anxiety and how the mind works? i'm really thinking of giving it a go. (i'm willing to take any help/advice/guidence i can right now)

as for the feeling that you are feeling right now, there all NORMAL, as are the thoughts!! but what you need to-do is, not let these feelings/thoughts controle you! (this is easier said then done, hence why im going to try out CBT)

i do hope you talk to someone about this and get the support you need. in the mean time, im always here to chat... Take-care dude :)

31-05-11, 13:45
I know exactly how you feel.

You've been through this before, but it's hard to remember exactly how you felt in the past. Maybe it's different this time.

I agree with sun-shine in that a good step to take is a doctor's appointment. That way you're admitting it is a real problem to yourself. Actually... all a doctor is going to do it put you back on medication and maybe that's not the answer. Therapy really helped me but it is expensive. There are options other than CBT - it didn't help me either.

What you need to do is break out of your thought cycle.

The first step is talking to an expert about it to admit to yourself that it is a real problem. After that it's up to you how you think you can break out of that downward spiral. Best to tackle it now before it gets worse.

Good luck love.