View Full Version : Hello!

31-05-11, 17:41
Hey everyone,
My name is Reisha, I'm 18 this year and I live in London. My friend thought signing up here would be good for me.
I currently suffer with a whole variety of anxiety/depression symptoms.
I suffer with anxiety so bad that I walked out on a whole bunch of exams this year, I wanted to be a doctor - but I guess the anxiety took hold of me and now refuses to let go. Whenever I go out I get awfully anxious. I now refuse to go out anymore, unless it's really needed. I've lost a whole bunch of friends.
I guess I'm developing agoraphobia, which is getting much worse as the days go by.
It's also making me gain weight, thus I'm becoming even more depressed.
I'm going to look into going to a psychiatrist or check out that CBT thing.
I took diazepam, but the doctor insisted I took 2mg, which really wasn't enough. I also tried Prozac, but it done nothing.
My birth mother has schizophrenia and my ex boyfriend has bipolar.
Life is such a joy, eh?

31-05-11, 17:42
Hi ItWasWhispered

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
31-05-11, 22:50
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x