View Full Version : Hello everyone

31-05-11, 22:54
I've suffered from panic attacks and Tourettes Syndrome for many years, but my panic attacks have been successfully controlled for the past 11 years with clomipramine, but since January this year the medication has become less and less effective, and now is not working at all. I am taking diazepam as a temporary measure to reduce anxiety levels while waiting for an appointment with a specialist, but need a bit of support from others who understand how I am feeling, hence I've joined this chat room. Looking forward to chatting.

31-05-11, 22:59
Hi Dreamer49

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-06-11, 19:13
Hi dreamer49 and :welcome:to NMP .Im sure you will get plenty of help and support here .t/c luv Sue x

Vanilla Sky
01-06-11, 20:06
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

Kerry B
01-06-11, 20:50
Hi welcome aboard, this was my life saver when I was at my worst, you will meet some lovely people on here. x

02-06-11, 08:48
Hi, I'm new too and am also having an anxiety flare up. I also wonder if my citalopram isn't being as effective (been on it for a few years). Today I feel a bit more 'normal'. Have been taking 2 types of homeopathic tablets and have downloaded a relaxation podcast onto my ipod which all may be helping.

Take care.x

04-01-13, 03:54
Welcome Dreamer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx